The latest post from NYS GIS Association member Sam Wear, “Geospatial Business Spotlight: EagleHawk One, Inc.”, posted May 2, 2019, is available on his website eSpatially New York. “EagleHawk was founded in 2016 by Willard Schulmeister and Patrick Walsh in...
The New York State GIS Association invites you to attend an upcoming webinar “New Datums in 2022 – Replacing NAD 83 and NAVD 88” presented by Dan Martin on Tuesday May 21, 2019. Dan Martin works for the National Geodetic Survey and is the Northeast Regional...
The latest post from NYS GIS Association member Sam Wear, “Social Determinants of Health: How Place Can Affect Health Outcomes”, posted April 2, 2019, is available on his website eSpatially New York. “In 1948, the World Health Organization defined Health as “a...
Long Island GIS 2019 Spring User Conference on Wednesday, April 17th Farmingdale State College – Roosevelt Hall Mark your calendar & join us at the 2019 Long Island GIS User Group Conference on Wednesday, April 17th at Roosevelt Hall – Farmingdale State College...
The latest post from NYS GIS Association member Sam Wear, “10 Questions: Rochelle Harris, President, New York State Assessors Association”, posted March 12, 2019, is available on his website eSpatially New York. “Rochelle Harris, IAO, is the current President of...