137 current members.
Names in bold have a GISP
Last Name | First Name | Organization |
aboki | Bala | Sedaru |
Adewuni | Paul | Jetro Holdings, Inc. |
Albino Hegeman | Melissa | NYS DEC |
Alfieri | Alysha | NYC Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation |
Ali | Mustafa | New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene |
Alter | Samuel | Reveal Global Consulting |
Angelidis | Christos | National Grid |
Asare | Nathaniel Opare Darko | New York Power Authority |
Awe | Adeola | . |
Bastian | Jamie | Jacobs Engineering |
Beckwith | Joel | Hunter College |
Bell | Lila | Voya Financial |
Bennett | Deron | Hunter College |
Bhaskaran | Sunil | BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute |
Bliss | Jeffrey | Retired |
BOKKA | SATYA VENKATA SIDDHARTHA | University at Buffalo |
Brady | Michael | NYC Fire Department |
Brooks | Arthur | Hunter College |
Buenaventura | Eden | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
Calabrese | Timothy | NYC Dept. of Education – Office of Pupil Transportation |
Carraher | Michael | Nelson\Nygaard |
Carroll | Alexandra | JMT of New York, Inc. |
Cato | Melissa | The City College of New York |
Celestin | Robert | Rutgers University |
Chan | Wai Ming | New York City Emergency Management |
Cheadle | Emily | New York Natural Heritage |
Chodoff | Sam | NYC DSNY |
Clayton | Jeremiah | Hunter College |
Cole | Priscilla | Priscilla's Home Use |
Cramer | Abby | Rainforest Alliance |
Crawford | Justin | Hunter College |
Cruz | Amanda | NYC Department of Finance |
Dalton | Craig | Hofstra University |
Davis | George | NSION Technologies |
Davis | Carlo | CUNY Hunter College |
Delgado Sanchez | Paola | Lehman College |
DeVinney | Rob | CDM Smith |
DeWitt Ojeda | Cassandra | MTA |
Dieg | Melanie | Landmarks Preservation Commission |
Dokania | Shourya | New York University |
Dorf | Wendy | |
Dorf | Robert | Robert C. Dorf, Esq |
Dvorak | Jake | SUNY New Paltz |
Ennella | Melisa | H2M Group |
Farkas | Daniel | Pace University |
Feldman | Brad | Suffolk County Water Authority |
Fisher | Kim | Square Water |
Fitzpatrick | Sean | MTA NYCT |
Fogarty | Emily A. | Farmingdale State College |
Forrest | Matthew | CARTO |
Frame | Seth | Tyler Technologies |
Fung | Jocelyn | Pratt Institute |
Gaetjens | Lisa | Hunter College |
Garcia | Norman | NYC Housing Development Corporation |
Genaway | David | Town of Huntington |
Georgalas | Michael | Langan Engineering & Environmental Services |
George | Rosy | Hunter College, CUNY |
Goodman | Emily | MSU Denver |
Grant | Ian | Hunter College |
Greenwald | Jason | Live XYZ |
Hall | James | VHB, Inc. |
Harrigan | Scott | Harkin Aerial |
Harris | Kelly | Metropolitan Transportation Authority |
Hartman | Danielle | Arup |
He | Zhi Keng | CUNY Hunter College |
Higgins | Ryan | RIPCO Real Estate |
Hiraldo-Gomez | Ana | Westchester County |
Hocknell | John | CUNY Hunter College |
Jeffway | Bill | Jeffway Consulting Partners |
Jeu | Amy | Hunter College, CUNY |
Klatsky | Michael | Town of Ramapo |
Knauss | Mary Susan | Self Employed |
Laroussi | Joanna | DOE |
LaShell | David | Esri |
Lauermann | John | Pratt Institute |
Leidner | Alan | NYC GISMO |
Leidner | Ian | Vassar College |
Li | Ruoyu | NYU CUSP |
Loges | Bill | Infogroup |
Maantay | Juliana | City University of New York/Lehman College |
MacFarlane | Kristen | CUNY Lehman College |
Mancell | Benjamin | NYC Department of Buildings |
Mann | Maya | The Johns Hopkins University |
Mark | Michael | Professional Consulting, LLC |
Matahelemual | Godfried Junio | NYU |
McInnes | Michele | NYC Department of City Planning |
Mendeloff | Dara | DNM Geospatial, LLC |
Meyer | Jessica | GeoComm Inc |
Miller | Rock | Hunter College |
Miller | Andie | RIPCO Real Estate |
Musa | George | Columbia University |
Najjar | Daniel | Hunter College |
Nalewajk | Rob | Greenman – Pedersen, Inc. |
Nash | Dorothy/Dore | NYC Emergency Mgmt/retired |
O’har | Lucrecia | Esri |
O’Neil | Timothy | O’Neil GIS |
ONeill (Weinsaft) | Kara | LKMA |
Ostrander Allen | Lindsay | Delaware Engineering, DPC |
Oswald | Bruce | Oswald Associates |
Paccione | Joseph | Lehman College CUNY MS-GISc graduate |
Palmer | Lisa | Hunter College |
Paz | Clarissa | Esri |
Pogostin | Alana | Esri |
Pollackov | Steven | Fire Department City of New York (Retired) |
Rado | Chris | NYC Dept. of Info Tech and Telecomm |
Robinson | Kazon | NYU |
Romalewski | Steven | CUNY graduate center |
Sapeta | Krysia | Sanborn Map Company |
Sasaki | Shiori | Esri |
Sayers | Robert | NYS DEC |
SAYIN | Bora | Solvotek International LLC |
Sayin | Banu | Solvotek International |
Schlott | Kate | Pace University |
SCHULTZ | ROBERT | Self Employeed |
Scott | Weston | Not currently with an organization |
Scott | Mark | Esri |
Selman | Matthew | Hunter College |
Sharma | Swati | New York University |
Shepard | Abrom | FEMA |
Simmons | Brady | NYC Parks and Rec |
Singh | Jeremy | T&M Associates |
Smith | Margaret | John Jay College / CUNY |
Summerville | Alden | Arup |
Suvari | Jasper | Vassar College |
Tarmu | Alina | Sylvana Consulting |
Thayer | William | OCC |
Touchet | James | Suffolk County Water Authority |
Vaughan | Tom | vaughan & Associates |
Viola | Vanessa | New York Institute of Technology |
Wen | Jiin | NYCEDC |
Whysel | Noreen | Decision Fish/CUNY City Tech |
Wiley | Kevin | Wiley Research |
Williamson | Douglas | Hunter College |
Withington | William | Town of Clarkstown |
Yeosock | Michael | Norwalk DPW |
Zhang | Chenming | Cornell University |