Current Members – GISMO/NYSGISA

137 current members.
Names in bold have a GISP

Last Name First Name Organization
aboki Bala Sedaru
Adewuni Paul Jetro Holdings, Inc.
Albino Hegeman Melissa NYS DEC
Alfieri Alysha NYC Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation
Ali Mustafa New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Alter Samuel Reveal Global Consulting
Angelidis Christos National Grid
Asare Nathaniel Opare Darko New York Power Authority
Awe Adeola .
Bastian Jamie Jacobs Engineering
Beckwith Joel Hunter College
Bell Lila Voya Financial
Bennett Deron Hunter College
Bhaskaran Sunil BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute
Bliss Jeffrey Retired
Brady Michael NYC Fire Department
Brooks Arthur Hunter College
Buenaventura Eden New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Calabrese Timothy NYC Dept. of Education – Office of Pupil Transportation
Carraher Michael Nelson\Nygaard
Carroll Alexandra JMT of New York, Inc.
Cato Melissa The City College of New York
Celestin Robert Rutgers University
Chan Wai Ming New York City Emergency Management
Cheadle Emily New York Natural Heritage
Chodoff Sam NYC DSNY
Clayton Jeremiah Hunter College
Cole Priscilla Priscilla's Home Use
Cramer Abby Rainforest Alliance
Crawford Justin Hunter College
Cruz Amanda NYC Department of Finance
Dalton Craig Hofstra University
Davis George NSION Technologies
Davis Carlo CUNY Hunter College
Delgado Sanchez Paola Lehman College
DeVinney Rob CDM Smith
DeWitt Ojeda Cassandra MTA
Dieg Melanie Landmarks Preservation Commission
Dokania Shourya New York University
Dorf Wendy
Dorf Robert Robert C. Dorf, Esq
Dvorak Jake SUNY New Paltz
Ennella Melisa H2M Group
Farkas Daniel Pace University
Feldman Brad Suffolk County Water Authority
Fisher Kim Square Water
Fitzpatrick Sean MTA NYCT
Fogarty Emily A. Farmingdale State College
Forrest Matthew CARTO
Frame Seth Tyler Technologies
Fung Jocelyn Pratt Institute
Gaetjens Lisa Hunter College
Garcia Norman NYC Housing Development Corporation
Genaway David Town of Huntington
Georgalas Michael Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
George Rosy Hunter College, CUNY
Goodman Emily MSU Denver
Grant Ian Hunter College
Greenwald Jason Live XYZ
Hall James VHB, Inc.
Harrigan Scott Harkin Aerial
Harris Kelly Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Hartman Danielle Arup
He Zhi Keng CUNY Hunter College
Higgins Ryan RIPCO Real Estate
Hiraldo-Gomez Ana Westchester County
Hocknell John CUNY Hunter College
Jeffway Bill Jeffway Consulting Partners
Jeu Amy Hunter College, CUNY
Klatsky Michael Town of Ramapo
Knauss Mary Susan Self Employed
Laroussi Joanna DOE
LaShell David Esri
Lauermann John Pratt Institute
Leidner Alan NYC GISMO
Leidner Ian Vassar College
Loges Bill Infogroup
Maantay Juliana City University of New York/Lehman College
MacFarlane Kristen CUNY Lehman College
Mancell Benjamin NYC Department of Buildings
Mann Maya The Johns Hopkins University
Mark Michael Professional Consulting, LLC
Matahelemual Godfried Junio NYU
McInnes Michele NYC Department of City Planning
Mendeloff Dara DNM Geospatial, LLC
Meyer Jessica GeoComm Inc
Miller Rock Hunter College
Miller Andie RIPCO Real Estate
Musa George Columbia University
Najjar Daniel Hunter College
Nalewajk Rob Greenman – Pedersen, Inc.
Nash Dorothy/Dore NYC Emergency Mgmt/retired
O’har Lucrecia Esri
O’Neil Timothy O’Neil GIS
ONeill (Weinsaft) Kara LKMA
Ostrander Allen Lindsay Delaware Engineering, DPC
Oswald Bruce Oswald Associates
Paccione Joseph Lehman College CUNY MS-GISc graduate
Palmer Lisa Hunter College
Paz Clarissa Esri
Pogostin Alana Esri
Pollackov Steven Fire Department City of New York (Retired)
Rado Chris NYC Dept. of Info Tech and Telecomm
Robinson Kazon NYU
Romalewski Steven CUNY graduate center
Sapeta Krysia Sanborn Map Company
Sasaki Shiori Esri
Sayers Robert NYS DEC
SAYIN Bora Solvotek International LLC
Sayin Banu Solvotek International
Schlott Kate Pace University
Scott Weston Not currently with an organization
Scott Mark Esri
Selman Matthew Hunter College
Sharma Swati New York University
Shepard Abrom FEMA
Simmons Brady NYC Parks and Rec
Singh Jeremy T&M Associates
Smith Margaret John Jay College / CUNY
Summerville Alden Arup
Suvari Jasper Vassar College
Tarmu Alina Sylvana Consulting
Thayer William OCC
Touchet James Suffolk County Water Authority
Vaughan Tom vaughan & Associates
Viola Vanessa New York Institute of Technology
Whysel Noreen Decision Fish/CUNY City Tech
Wiley Kevin Wiley Research
Williamson Douglas Hunter College
Withington William Town of Clarkstown
Yeosock Michael Norwalk DPW
Zhang Chenming Cornell University