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307 current members.

Names in bold have a GISP

Last Name First Name Organization
aboki Bala Sedaru
Abugel Robert NYC DOF
Adam Matt Fisher Associates
Aicher Russ Paul Smith’s College
Aiken Gerard Esri
Alfieri Alysha NYC Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation
Ali Mustafa New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Allen Scott AES Northeast
Allis David Monroe Community College
Alvarado Jared U.S. Army
Andersen Greg NYS ITS
Andre Cheryl Genesee County
Arabadjis Elizabeth VHB
Aslanis Ruth City of Ithaca
Avery Kevin Town of Queensbury – Water Department
AVRUSKIN GILLIAN Brown and Caldwell
Barley Daniel TRC
Barnes Katherine NYS DEC
Barnes Brian Town of Amherst, NY, Engineering Department – GIS Division
Barr Ian National Grid
Bastian Jamie Jacobs Engineering
Baum Jason NYS ITS
Bednarczyk James Mohawk Valley Water Authority
BEHNKE PAUL Department of Water & Water Supply
Belus Michael University at Buffalo
Benincasa Santina NG
Bennett Deron Hunter College
Bethke Tim TomTom
Bisbee Angelia VHB
Bishop , GISP , GII Bill Hinks 2
Bliss Jeffrey Retired
Brady Michael NYC Fire Department
Brazee Christopher City of Troy
Brent Heather Wendel
Brooks Brandy EagleView
brown casmir Monroe Community College
Browne Sylvie NYSDOT Photogrammetry
Bulger Katherine Wendel Companies
Bunny Michelle Jefferson County
Burgoon David Bergmann Associates
Burley Ryan Surdex
Butterfield Evan CHA
Cady Carol St. Lawrence University
Calabrese Timothy NYC Dept. of Education – Office of Pupil Transportation
Campbell Cattyann Tompkins County ITS/GIS
Carraher Michael Nelson\Nygaard
Cassens Ryan Erie County Water Authority
Casserly Dakota St. Lawrence County Planning
Chan Wai Ming New York City Emergency Management
Chappell william Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Chase Helen Chase Enterprises
Chase Sherret E CCMI-Chase Wind
Cheadle Emily New York Natural Heritage
Chodoff Sam NYC DSNY
Clouse Logan Rochester Institute of Technology
Collins Rob Independent GIS Consultant
Coniglio Gregory LaBella Associates
Coon Talia Environmental Design and Research
Croll Christina NYS OPRHP
Cruz Amanda NYC Department of Finance
Cutter Luke Clinton County Planning Department
Dalton Craig Hofstra University
Daly James Suffolk County
Daly Tim NYS Information Technology Services
Davenport Maryella Schoharie County
Deakin Ann Shale Creek Vineyard
Debyah Michelle Town of Pittsford
DeFrancisco Paul The Info-Guy
DeLuca James NYS Canal Corporation
Deshaies Jason Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council
DeVinney Rob CDM Smith
deVries Peter US Geological Survey
Dieg Melanie Landmarks Preservation Commission
Dietterich Jim Esri
Dilorenzo Salvatore Pal Environmental Services
Dirlam Kier Allegany County Office of Planning
Dolce Maria Bergmann
Dolte Shannon Putnam County IT/GIS
Dorf Robert Robert C. Dorf, Esq
Dravants Derek CHA Consulting
DuBreck Catherine Town of Penfield
Duncan Madison US Forest Service
Duncan Kathryn USDA NRCS
Dvorak Jake SUNY New Paltz
Eddings Justin H2M Architects & Engineers
Ennella Melisa H2M Group
Farkas Daniel Pace University
Ferrero Heather Livingston County Planning Department
Fisher Kim Square Water
Fitzgerald Michael FPM Remediations Inc.
Floriano Samuel Miami University
Fogarty Emily A. Farmingdale State College
Fontes Alexander GdB Geospatial
Frankel Merv New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Frasier Andrew Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council
Freiman Benjamin Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP
Gallaway Douglas Farmingdale State College
Galloway Stewart retired
Garcia Norman NYC Housing Development Corporation
Garner Jonathan Eagleview
Genaway David Town of Huntington
Gentile Dominic Fisher Associates
Georgalas Michael Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
Glogowski Owen Osmose, Inc
Goldin Brian Voyager Search
Graham Rachel SUNY ESF – The Ranger School
Grbic Briget Eagleview
Greenwald Jason Live XYZ
Greer Krista JMDavidson Engineering
Gregory Jennifer Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board
Grennan Ryan City of Pittsfield
Hall James VHB, Inc.
Halter Rebecca Adirondack Land Trust
Hanson Stephanie Buffalo Sewer Authority
Harden Janette Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency
Hart Edward Syracuse-Onondaga County Planning Agency
Hartman Danielle Arup
Hawkins Sue NYSDOT
Hayes Steve OSMF
Heard Kevin SUNY Binghamton – GIS Core Facility
Hedger Chris GdB Geospatial LS P.C.
Hemmer F Michael F. Michael Hemmer, LS, P.C.
Hepler Nicholas New York State Office of Information Technology Services
Herter Jeffrey NYS Department of State
Hesse Sarah M.J. Engineering & Land Surveying
Hidalgo Noel BetaNYC
Holewinski Christopher Cattaraugus County
Horton James CHA
Hoskins Susan Cornell University
Houston Benjamin GroundPoint Technologies, LLC
Hunt Kevin NYS Office of Information Technology Services
Hunt David Hunt Water Testing
Hynes Thomas
Ismaili Shpend Rochester Institute Of Technology
Janik Karolina New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
Janzen Adam Niagara Falls Water Board
Jeffway Bill Jeffway Consulting Partners
Jenkins Keith Cornell University
Jeu Amy Hunter College, CUNY
Jiang Zhuoxing KLD
Jones James WNYGIS
Jordan Molly NYS Adirondack Park Agency
Judge Timothy Ramapo College of NJ
Justice Joshua Rochester Institute of Technology
Kahabka Daniel Steuben County
Kahl Samantha NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Kanfoush Sharon Utica University Geology
Katko Jan-Dominik NYS GIS Program
Kelly Brett Will Map For Food
Keppel Angela Buffalo Place
Ketcham Betty NYS DOT
Keyser Gregory Town of Ellicottville
Kibbee Robert The History Center in Tompkins County
Kiyanitsa Katherine NYS Office of Information Techology Services
Klatsky Michael Town of Ramapo
Knauss Mary Susan Self Employed
Kong Myongsun Colgate University
Kovacs Henry New York State Office of Information Technology Services
Lane Justin Village Of Attica
LaShell David Esri
Latham Solomon self
Lazrus Paula St. Johns University
Lederer-Barnes Rick Upstate GIS
Lehmann Zachary Great Ecology
Leidner Alan NYC GISMO
Levandowski Jim NYS GISPO SAM Team
Li Tongyan Monroe County Planning
Limoli Anthony Smithtown
Little Jonathon Monroe Community College
Maantay Juliana City University of New York/Lehman College
Machado Elia City University of New York
Maguire Mary NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Maio Gary
Malloy Alexandra Fisher Associates
Mancell Benjamin NYC Department of Buildings
Manley Scott VHB
Maravillas Jennifer Jennifer Maravillas Studio
Marhevsky Jaime
Marino John NY Natural Heritage Program
Mark Michael Professional Consulting, LLC
Martin Cody C&S Engineer, Inc.
Mays Kyle United Water
McCabe Shawn U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
McCall Dawn Control Point Associates
McDonald John Town of New Windsor
McInnes Michele NYC Department of City Planning
Meltz Jr. Donald Columbia County Planning
Menia Keith Town of Bethlehem
Merritts Daniel Merritts GIS LTD
Meyer Collin University at Buffalo
Miller Wendy SUNY Cortland
Minnis Peggy Pace University
Mogavero Jenny Prospect Hill
Monaco Sam Binghamton University – Alumni
Montague Kelly The Intelligence Group, LLC
Montz Eric Advoco
Mozer Robert Mozer Science Academy
Murphy Jenn General Code
Murphy Amanda NY Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery
Musa George Columbia University
Nalewajk Rob Greenman – Pedersen, Inc.
Nash Dorothy/Dore NYC Emergency Mgmt/retired
Naughton Michael Retired
Needle Jake
Norton Sheri Ontario County
O’har Lucrecia Esri
O’Neil Timothy O’Neil GIS
ONeill (Weinsaft) Kara LKMA
Ostrander Allen Lindsay Delaware Engineering, DPC
Oswald Bruce Oswald Associates
Owen Arlene Putnam County
Parmerter Betsy Tidal Basin
Patil Anuj Clarkson university
Paz Clarissa Esri
Pestone Edward Mohonk Preserve
Pianka Michael MJ Engineering and Land Surveying
Pietra Chuck C&S Companies
Pogostin Alana Esri
Pollackov Steven Fire Department City of New York (Retired)
Poppe Michael N/A
Poudel Abishek SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Prentice Adelina DroneSeed
Proe Joseph Canandaigua
Quackenbush Lindi SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Quackenbush Jeff Herkimer-Oneida Counties Comprehensive Planning Program
Queenie Dominique CUNY NYC College of Technology
Quodomine Richard
Radicello Rachel GZA GeoEnvironmental
Rado Chris NYC Dept. of Info Tech and Telecomm
Randall Wayne C&S Engineers, Inc.
Rapp Jayme Arcadis-US, Inc
Reichert Richard Oneida County
Reynolds Jason Reynolds Environmental Design and Research
Rojas Vanessa SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry – The Ranger School
Rooney Shawn Town of Greece
Rozwod Benjamin EDRDPC
Ruhren Tim NYS ITS – Geospatial Services
Russell Jr. Steven Erie County
Rutberg Karen Karen Rutberg
Sambandhan Vijay FM Global
Sanford Joshua CHA Consulting, Inc.
Santora Alexandra City of Buffalo
Sapeta Krysia Sanborn Map Company
Sasso John US Light Energy
Sayers Robert NYS DEC
SAYIN Bora Solvotek International LLC
Schmidt Jonathan B. Thayer Associates
Schoenthal Carl Pictometry International
Schuetz Douglas County of Rockland, Department of Planning
Scott Mark Esri
Sears Thomas Me
Seifert Ben Lu Engineers.
Selig Michael Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Planning
Sevenish Samantha NTS Data Services
seymour maureen City of Oneonta
Shah Binod NYS Department of Transportation
Shapiro Will Topos
Shea Patrick Mountain LTD.
Shepard Abrom FEMA
Shiland Ian NJ Highlands Council
Silver Colleen Veolia North America
Simmons Brady NYC Parks and Rec
Sinton Diana Cornell University
Smith Christine VHB
Smith David CDM Smith
Solo Matthew New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Spraker Larry VHB
Staples Michael City of Rochester NY
Stotz Ryan GHD Advisory
Stuart Jill NCDOH
suryadevara Ram nikhil Clarkson
Sutton Matthew Town of Tonawanda
Swain Matthew Peconic Land Trust
Tang Tao SUNY – Buffalo State University
Tareen Karyn Geocove
Tarmu Alina Sylvana Consulting
Tewksbury Barbara
Thayer William OCC
Tiede Jeffrey City of Rochester
Tomaszewski Brian Rochester Institute of Technology
Touchet James Suffolk County Water Authority
Umble Rick Ulster County Information Services
Van Demark Peter Retired
Vanderstouw Mark Patriot Design and Consulting
Vaughan Tom vaughan & Associates
Veenstra Gary Neglia Engineering Associates
Velez Sarina CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College
Villanueva Max AES Northeast
Viola Vanessa New York Institute of Technology
Walsh Kaitlin Buffalo Sewer Authority
Waters Ryan GdB Geospatial
Wattles Adam NYS OPRHP
Weller Heather Washington County
Whysel Noreen Decision Fish/CUNY City Tech
willett bruce SIG Patagon
Williamson Douglas Hunter College
Winters Frank retires NYS
Withington William Town of Clarkstown
Yeosock Michael Norwalk DPW
Zemken Shelby National Grid
Ziegler David RocklandUAS
Zuniga-Casal Jenny Jenny Zuniga-casal Architecture LLC