Updated NYS Hydrography Web Service

Updated NYS Hydrography Web Service

Hello, The New York State GIS Program Office (NYSGPO) is pleased to announce that we updated the web service for hydrography data in New York State.   This hydrography dataset is a subset of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) that loads filtered subsets of the NHD...
Resources for tracking and surveilling Coronavirus COVID-19

Resources for tracking and surveilling Coronavirus COVID-19

Good morning all, Here at Esri we have been fielding an extreme number of questions and inquiries from PH and EM organizations on a state and local level regarding COVID 19 situational awareness, especially “What are other EM’s doing?”. We thought it would be a good...
NYSGPO Building Footprint Web Service!

NYSGPO Building Footprint Web Service!

Hello, The New York State GIS Program Office (NYSGPO) is pleased to announce the release of a web service that hosts over 3 million building footprints across 30 counties made available by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). ...
eSpatiallyNY- The Definitive Map for New York State Media Arts

eSpatiallyNY- The Definitive Map for New York State Media Arts

The latest post from NYS GIS Association member Sam Wear, “eSpatiallyNY- The Definitive Map for New York State Media Arts”, posted February 25, 2020, is available on his website eSpatially New York. “At its core, the Map is an extensive online catalogue of Media...
NYC School of Data 2020 (Mar 7)

NYC School of Data 2020 (Mar 7)

NYC School of Data is BetaNYC’s annual community-driven conference — with programming support from NYC Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics, we bring together city officials, activists, and community members to talk about open data, civic technology, and service...