The New York City Geospatial Information Systems and Mapping Organization (NYC GISMO) ( is proud to announce the passage of Local Law No.2158-A by a unanimous vote of 51– 0, by the New York City Council on December 15, 2021. The legislation amends the New York City Charter and takes effect early in 2022. It assures continued GIS implementation, development, and expansion for many years to come.
The legislation was introduced by the Council’s IT Committee Chair, Robert Holden. New York government is one of the first local governments in the U.S. to have the following provisions written into its Charter.
- The appointment of a CGIO in the City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT).
- The formation of a Steering Committee comprised of agency GIS managers to enable coordination, collaboration, and data sharing.
- The development of a City’s GIS Strategic Plan that addresses new technologies and applications in the field.
GISMO is excited to have received New York City Council recognition for the critical contributions that geospatial technology makes to our city. The GISMO Board of Directors has advocated this Charter Amendment over the past four years. GISMO leaders Alan Leidner and Wendy Dorf reached out to elected officials, notably Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Council Member Stephen Levin and CM Levin’s Legislative Director, Elizabeth Adams, and Council Member Robert Holden. All were instrumental in passage of the legislation. CM Levin and Legislative Director Adams worked on the language of the bill with Council attorneys. Jack Eichenbaum, GISMO founder, introduced GISMO members to CM Holden, who Chairs the Council’s IT Committee. CM Holden shepherded the legislation through his committee and onto the floor of the Council. Our community is forever grateful to these representatives, and to the Council as a whole, for their support.
Visit the legislation site for additional details: