Happy New Year! Hope you had a fantastic holiday season!

Impact of the Government Shutdown
As you may know, the Gateway provides geospatial information from a number of different sources: we host a large chunk of the data ourselves on the same cloud server that hosts the Gateway application; we “ingest” data from regional data portals such as the Northeast Ocean Data Portal and the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal; and we pull data from the Marine Cadastre (hosted by NOAA) and from the Bureau Of Ocean Energy Management BOEM). If you follow the hot-linked Marine Cadastre above, you will see that it has been shut down “…due to a lapse in appropriation”. And, while the BOEM site does not have a notification to that effect, data we are pulling from them is also not available. Some of you may have already discovered the banner we added to the Gateway yesterday after we discovered this lack of availability. This effects approximately 60 – 70 datasets, about 10 % of our data holdings, most (if not all) are related to Atlantic Offshore information. There is still quite a bit of Atlantic offshore data that we host directly or pull in from the other two regional ocean data portals…so maybe you can think of it as a treasure hunt to find the ones that work. All Long Island Sound data is still available as we host that directly. While we hope the shutdown ends soon (I was hoping we could pull the Notice banner today!), this is an opportunity for you to discover the other 90% of our information holdings on the Gateway!

What’s Going on with The Gateway Anyway?
We are in a bit of a quiet mode right now as we develop plans for the next phase of Gateway development. We have some great functional additions and new applications built off the Gateway base being considered, I’ll be able to share some of these later in the year. If you have any ideas about functionality and/or applications, now would be a great time to share them with us! We are also in the process of transitioning to a new cloud server which should provide more stability for the platform, that work should be wrapped up pretty soon. We are working on a new Story that will accompany the South Shore Estuary Reserve Focus Page which will be ready in late winter-early spring! And we also have quite a backlog of new data that we’ll focus on getting up and available. So things are still percolating along.

A Fond Farewell
Katie Budreski
Today I learned that a long-time member of the Gateway Team and good friend is leaving next Friday for a new opportunity on the other side of the country. Katie Budreski has been working with us since before the Gateway was the Gateway, back when it had its origins as the Ocean & Great Lakes Atlas (Atlas) released 11 years ago, just about the time she started with Stone Environmental. Katie is a bright, organized, creative, energetic, positive geospatial professional, and is an amazing project manager. Katie has been a steadfast advocate and evangelist for the Gateway and submitted, and had accepted, multiple Gateway-related maps to Esri’s annual map book (third one in a row will be in this July 2019s edition). It has been an absolute pleasure working with Katie these past 11 years! Thanks Katie, you helped us build the Gateway into an award winning site…just as you all promised during our original visioning sessions!! You will be missed…a lot!
Katie is passing the torch of Stone Gateway Team project manager to the eminently capable hands of Barbara Patterson, who I also have worked with before back in the early days of data collecting for the Atlas and who is also excellent! I really forward to working with you Barb!

Gateway Metrics
It’s been just over 3 years that the Gateway has been up and running and we’ve had over 46,000 visits, over 212,000 pageviews, over 600,000 actions and a bounce rate that is 12%. Folks spend an average of over 5 ¼ minutes and carry out an average of 13 actions during their visit. It’s gratifying for the Team to see the continued use of the Gateway and we all thank you for your continued use and support! We hope you find even more useful uses and information on the Gateway in the coming year!

Social Media
The facebook and Twitter icons at the bottom of Gateway pages link directly to our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/informationgateway/ and twitter account https://twitter.com/NYGateway You can stay up to date on facebook and/or by following our twitter feed. Please like us and share us on fb and retweet!

The Gateway does have an About page so if you’re new to this emails or need a refresher please follow this About link. You can also learn about the Office of Planning and Development (OPD) on the same About page.

As always, please don’t hesitate to provide feedback on your visit to the Gateway so that we may continue to improve on its usefulness and your experience.

Gateway Team
Office of Planning, Development and Critical Infrastructure
New York Department of State
Office of Planning, Development & Community Infrastructure
99 Washington Ave., Suite 1010, Albany, NY 12231 – 0001
O: (518) 486–7942 | C: (518) 810–9710 | jeff.herter@dos.ny.gov |
Follow us on Twitter/Instagram: @nysdos
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