Webinar – Meeting Workforce Needs with Virtual GIST: The story of one community college’s quest to create remote access to GIST education in Upstate New York.

Join the NYS GIS Association for a Webinar on
Thursday, March 24th at Noon

Meeting Workforce Needs with Virtual GIST:

The story of one community college’s quest to create remote access to GIST education

in Upstate New York.

Registration link:


The NYS GIS Association’s Professional Development Committee has scheduled a webinar on March 24th at noon. This webinar will provide a first-hand account from one of the four NSF ATE grant PIs on a mission to provide remote access to GIST education in and beyond Upstate New York. The speaker will review/elaborate on the goals of the grant including building an A.A.S. Degree in GIST and an advanced GIST micro-credential by adding 3 new courses and updating existing courses. The GIST program has provided online students with an “Open” GIST lab with virtual student tutors and alumni GIST mentors, and virtual GIST internships. The PI’s have delivered innovative outreach to public and college librarians, who have in return given introductory GIS students support finding GIST data. Social media has played an important part in informing the GIST community about the program, including introductory GIST students and GIST Professionals. The talk will also include an overview on the status of the objectives, successes, and obstacles, and the speaker’s personal perspective as a student turned educator/co-PI -a direct result of participating in the community college’s GIST program.

Speaker Bio:

Catherine DuBreck, GISP is a Rochester, NY area native with a passion for GIS and geospatial technology. She has her BA and MSc in Geography and recently completed the GIST certificate program at MCC. She currently continues her education and learning by pursuing MCC’s new GIST micro-credential. Catherine is the Junior Planner for the Town of Penfield, NY, volunteers on the NYS GISA Communications Committee and Board of Directors, teaches introductory GIS at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and works as an employee in the GIST department of Monroe Community College where she mentors intro GIS students and spreads the good word of GIS at MCC across social media.
