The latest post from NYS GIS Association member Sam Wear, “The Essential New York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse”, posted August 22, 2019, is available on his website eSpatially New York.

“Whether it be policymakers, planners, business and industry, residents or community groups, New York State is fortunate to have its own geocentric one-stop website on climate change issues as part of the New York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse(NYCCSC).   Hosted by NESCAUM (Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management) , NYCCSC contains documents, data, websites, tools, and maps relevant to climate change adaptation and mitigation across New York State. The goal of the NYCCSC is to support scientifically sound and cost-effective decision-making. It was developed to provide a framework where users can find information in multiple ways, including through interactive tools that use data from different sources.” 

You can also follow Sam on Twitter: @eSpatiallyNY