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Last Name | First Name | Organization |
Abbene | M | Roux |
Abd elmageed | Ahmed | Parsons |
Abdel Rahman | Sarah | SubDivisions |
Abdelhamid | Salma | EVgo |
Abdelrahman | Kamal | City University of New York – Brooklyn College |
Abdullah | Muhammad | NUST |
Abere | Vincent | The Nature Conservancy |
Abigailka | Abigailka | Abigailka |
Abiya | Sarah | Parsons New School |
aboki | Bala | Sedaru |
Abramowitz-Coor | Janet | City of Boston |
Abrams | Jessica | SUNY New Paltz |
Abubakar Tunau | Nurudeen | Learn on it |
Abugel | Robert | NYC DOF |
Abuzeid | Mostafa | Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute |
Acharya | Ruchita | New York City Transit |
Ackerman | Olivia | CUNY Hunter College |
Acosta | Victor | AKRF inc |
Adam | Matt | Veolia North America |
Adams | Matthew | FDNY |
Adegbola | Festus | University at Buffalo, Geography Department |
Adejayan | Bridget | Pisces Offshore Limited |
adenle | ademola | West Africa Science Service Ce |
adetomiwa | wasiu | Student |
Adewuni | Paul | Jetro Holdings, Inc. |
Adhikari | Anish | University of Delaware |
Adikesavan | Manju Aishwarya | The Graduate Center, CUNY |
Aduri | Sreenivas | microcenter |
Afealete | Senanu Wisdom | Private |
Aga | Adriana | Hunter College |
Agacsapan | balca | NA |
Agarwal | Kanupriya | University of Rochester |
Agbai | Mercy | UNICEF |
Aharon | Noam | GdB Geospatial |
AHLUWALIA | HARMINDER | Painite Global Inc. |
Ahmed | Auwal | Lehman College |
Ahmed | Sejan | University At Buffalo |
AHN | HYO JIN | CARSI_Hunter College |
Ahouangbenon | Matthieu | University of Delaware |
Aichele | Stephen | US Geological Survey, WRD |
Aicher | Russ | Paul Smith’s College |
Aichinger | Stephanie | SUNY Fredonia |
Aiken | Gerard | Esri |
aime | Christopher | Lehman College |
Ajin | Rajendran Shobha | University of Florence |
Akins | Matthew | Student |
Akram | Insha | University at Buffalo, State University of New York |
Al Mansour | Zainab | NYU Wagner School of Public Service |
Alam | Amina | CUNY SPH |
Alamarie | Kaled | NYCDEP |
Alber | Lawrence | NYSDEC |
Alberga | Kristofer | NYSDEC |
Albin | Frankie | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Albino | Stephen | NA |
Albino Hegeman | Melissa | NYS DEC |
alblooshi | amel | UAEU |
Albrecht | Jochen | Hunter College CUNY |
Aleman | Jessica | Skidmore College |
Alexander | Robert | |
Alexander | Mateo | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Alexander | Mateo | Columbia University |
Alfieri | Alysha | NYC Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation |
Alghamdi | HUSAM | SUNY at Buffalo |
Ali | Mhamed SLEIMAN | Gismo |
Ali | Mustafa | New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene |
Alix | Audrey | Hamilton College |
Aliyu Rumah | Jamilu | Umaru Musa yar’adua university katsina |
Aljebori | Ali | state university of new york at buffalo |
Alke | Melissa | CUNY Hunter College |
Allen | Eileen | Plattsburgh State University of NY, retired |
Allen | Daniel | MRB Group, P.C. |
Allen | Scott | AES Northeast |
Allen | Linda | |
Allen | Susan | NA |
Allis | David | Monroe Community College |
ALLOTT | STACEY | Geomatics Land Surveying, PC |
Allport | Vincent | Pratt Institute |
Alper | Gabrielle | Hunter College |
Alpern | Robert | Brooklyn for Peace |
Alter | Samuel | Reveal Global Consulting |
Alteri | Dominick | |
Alu | Paul | Episilon Geophysical |
Alvarado | Jared | U.S. Army |
Alweiss | Ron | New York University |
amati | cynthia | pictometry |
Ambrosch | Kristine | Hunter College |
Amengual | Eric | NY State Police |
Amenn | Chris | Shrewsbury Fire |
America | Ryan | Earth Energy Consultants, LLC |
Ameroso | Emmanuelle | NYS ITS |
Ames | Spencer | Vassar College |
Ames | Spencer | Vassar College |
Amirthmasebi | Hossein | Goli Realty Corp |
Amodeo | Michael J. | Town/Village of Harrison |
Amos Anumten | Rimamtawe | Nkporo Comprehensive Secondary School |
Anantharaju | Sri Sai Snigdha | New York University |
andel | mark | digitalglobe |
Andersen | Greg | NYS ITS |
Anderson | Scott | SUNY Cortland |
Anderson | Steve | Applied Geographics |
Anderson | Jillian | New York University |
Andre | Cheryl | Genesee County |
Andreou | Georgia | Cornell University |
Andrew | Ugese | Bulent Ecevit University |
Andrews | Matthew | James W. Sewall Company |
Andrews | Lisa | ESRI |
Andrus | Carlin | NYC Office of Emergency Mgmt. |
Angelidis | Christos | National Grid |
Anggraeni | Dita | UN OCHA |
Ankinapalli | Mona | Pace University |
Ankobil | Amandus | New York State Department of Health |
Annis | Trever | Seneca Nation |
Annitto | Richard | Bowne Management Systems, Inc. |
Anyagwosi | Alijah | Hunter College |
Anyu | Awa | PwC |
Arabadjis | Elizabeth | VHB |
Arcese | Andrew | CUNY Hunter College |
Arden | Joy | The New School |
Argenti | Karen | Bronx Council for Environmental Quality |
Argueta | Rosa | Lehman College |
ArlandoMi | ArlandoMi | ArlandoMi |
Armstrong | Karen | ATSI Inc. |
Armstrong | Adrienne | CNYRTA – Centro |
Armstrong | Zoey | Miami University |
Arnott | Douglas | Fortuna Energy Inc. |
Arroyo | Daniel | New York City Department of Transportation |
Arshanapalli | Chaitra | State Highway Administration, MDOT |
Arts | Simon | McGill University |
Arulraj, Ph.D. | Rachel | InfoInnovation |
Asare | Nathaniel Opare Darko | New York Power Authority |
Ashraff | Mohamed Ahsan | Student |
Aslanis | Ruth | City of Ithaca |
Atkinson | Seth | Freelance |
Attard | Nathan | Center for Health and Social Research, SUNY Buffalo State |
Aung | KhunSoe | MCT |
Aung | Ye Myint | Joy Brother |
Aung | Thu Zar | YCDC |
Autieri | Vincent | Geoweb3d Inc. |
Avery | Kevin | Town of Queensbury – Water Department |
Avery | Peter | NYS Office of Indigent Legal Services |
AVRUSKIN | GILLIAN | Brown and Caldwell |
Awe | Adeola | Lehman College, CUNY |
Awe | Adeola | . |
Axel-Lute | Gregory | Unknown |
Ayers | Dianne | Cornell University |
Babinski | Jill | Genesee County |
Bachert | Matthew | EDGE-Global Technology Solutions |
Bacon | Gregory | Fairfax County GIS & Mapping |
Baden | Michael | Open Space Institute |
Badruddin | Abu | Cayuga Community College |
Badurek | Chris | SUNY Cortland |
Baese | Jase | CALS-OIT |
Baevsky | Yvonne | USGS NY Water Science Center |
Bagul | Sonam | New York University |
Bailey | Gregory | |
Baker | Margaret | CUNY School of Public Health |
Baker | Barry | County of Hamilton |
Bakhtin | Alexey | Langan Engineering |
Balakrishnapillai | Santhosh | Suffolk County |
Balanevskiy | Anton | GPI |
Balbi, P.E. | Frank | Village of Scarsdale |
Baldor | Brian | Rutgers University |
Baldwin | Ross | Town of Southampton |
Balent | Val | New York State DCJS / Consultant |
Ball | Matthew | Recent Graduate |
Balliett | John | Schoharie County |
Balling | Matthew | NYS Department of Transportation |
Banda | Adan | The Intelligence Group Environmental |
Bandos | Allison | |
bandurchin | matthew | DOH – BWSP |
Bandziukas | Mary | NYC DOT |
Baran | Mark | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Baranowski | Andrew | CDM |
Barauskis | Thomas | Eagleview |
Barbaro | Joseph | SUNY Cortland |
Bardeen | Caleb | SUNY Fredonia |
Barge | John | Adirondack Park Agency |
Bargovic | Danielle | Environmental Research & Design, DPC (EDR) |
Barley | Daniel | TRC |
Barnes | Katherine | NYS DEC |
Barnes | Brian | Town of Amherst, NY, Engineering Department – GIS Division |
Barnes | Dhia | NYCHA |
Barnsley | Margaret | Barnard College |
Barr | Ian | National Grid |
Barrett | Sophia | Lehman College |
Barrett | Gabriella | Student |
Barry | Liz | Columbia U |
Barry | Jim | Esri |
Barth | Jeff | NYS DOT |
Barth | Brian | P.W. Grosser Consulting |
Bartholomew | Richard | Arup |
Bartlett | Susannah | City of Syracuse |
Baruah | Ananya | New York Metropolitan Transportation Council |
Basazinew | Genenew | Geological Survey of Ethiopia |
Baskerville | Robert | Triple Front Syndicate |
Bastedo | Michael | HSBC Bank USA |
Bastian | Jamie | Jacobs Engineering |
Batchelder | Richard | NYSDOT |
Batcher | Michael | Consulting Ecologist and Environmental Planner |
Bates | William | Michael Baker Engineering |
Batz | Kimberly | City of Rechester – DES – Street Design |
Bauer | Alex | N/A |
Bauer | Valerie | Lehman College |
Baum | Jason | NYS ITS |
Baumgras | Lynne | AMEC |
Bautista | Erick | County of Nassau |
Bay | Tessa | University of Connetticut |
Bayer | Danielle | n/a |
Beall-Schwab | Jenna | City of Lockport |
Bearcroft | Amanda | Montgomery County Business Development Center |
Beaulieu | Joe | NYS ITS GIS Program Office |
Beaumont | Jay | Eustance and Horowitz, P.C. |
Beck | Amanda | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Becker | Jon | Lu Engineers |
Becker | Joseph | RCC Consultants, Inc. |
Beckwith | Joel | Hunter College |
Bednarczyk | James | Mohawk Valley Water Authority |
Bee | Shazia | |
Beecher | Maeve | FPM Remediations, Inc. |
BEHNKE | PAUL | Department of Water & Water Supply |
Belay | Roland | Baker Engineering NY, Inc. |
Bell | Lila | Voya Financial |
Bellack | Michael | Foit-Albert |
Belligoni | Sara | Other |
Belus | Michael | University at Buffalo |
Bement | Alyssa | Pratt Institute |
Benden | Matthew | USMC Command and Staff College |
Bender | Michael | Bender and Associates |
Bendernagel | Paul | Hunter College |
Benimoff | Alan | College of Staten Island/CUNY |
Benincasa | Santina | NG |
Benjamin | Cheryl | Cheryl A. Benjamin Consulting, LLC |
Benjamin | Sharon | Nicholas School of the Environment |
Bennedum | Thomas | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Benner | Steve | Cityworks |
Bennett | Gary | Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority |
Bennett | Deron | Hunter College |
Bennett | Jim | City of New York – Retired |
Benney Basque | Yvonne | VT Division for Historic Preservation |
Bent | Christine | Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. |
Berben | Kirstin | Syracuse University |
Beresford | Sarah | Bronx Community College |
Berger | Kevin | Manchester |
Berger | Lewis | Hunter College |
Berical | D. Peter | New York State Department of Health |
Berick | Michael | Sherwood Design Engineers |
Berkun | Nicholas | WPCA for the City of Norwalk, CT |
Bermudez | Natalia | Lehman College |
Bertalli | Anthony | Environmental Design & Research, DPC |
Berube | Mark | University of Massachusetts |
Beshai | Matthew | Hunter College |
Best | Eric | University at Albany |
Betancourt Mazur | Livia | Hunter College |
Bethke | Tim | TomTom |
Beveridge | Julia | Environmental Design & Research |
Bevilacqua | Eddie | SUNY ESF |
Bhargva | Sanhita | University of Georgia |
Bhaskaran | Sunil | BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute |
Bhat | Oumer Shafi | WS Atkins |
Bhattacharya | Souvik | Geospoc LLC |
Bhattarai | Nishan | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
Bhatti | Muhammad Akram | AAA |
Bhowmik | Rajib | CEGIS |
Bicknell | Cecia | Student/Self |
Bidell | Benjamin | New York State Department of State |
Bidoshi | Kosta | Tyler Technologies |
Bieber | Jesse | |
Biedermann | Michael | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Biggs | Tim | City of New York Dept. Parks & Recreation |
Bijhouwer | Paul | USACE, Buffalo District |
Bijl | Arjen | City of Ithaca |
Billadello | Janine | CUNY Graduate Center |
Binn | Joel | DSNY |
Birmingham | Paul | Riverhead Town Egineering Dept. |
Birney | Steven | City of Norwalk CT |
Bisbee | Angelia | VHB |
Bisgrove | John | Suny-esf |
Bishop , GISP , GII | Bill | Hinks 2 |
Bishopp | Kevin | Self |
Bissen | Steven | Toxics Targeting Inc. |
Bissen | Quinn | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Björnler | Francisco | Holmen |
Blackstone | Laura | FEMA |
Blair | Joseph | NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection |
Blake | Daniel | Pennsylvania State University |
Blanchard | Barry | Onondaga County Water Authority |
Blanchard | William | KAG Engineering, PLLC |
Blanck | Damian | |
Blasenheim | Eric | |
Blaszczak | Laura | Barnard College |
Bleiberg | Marvin | Emelby Associates, LLC |
Blinder | David | Blinder Entities, Inc. |
Bliss | Jeffrey | Retired |
Blizzard | Jason | Town of Riverhead |
Block | Andrew | Buffalo State College |
Bluestone | Ruth | NYC Office of Emergency Management |
Boddecker | Steve | Fisher Associates |
Boehmer | James | |
Boester | Jaeda | AtkinsRealis |
Bogan | Walter J. | Educational Consultant |
Bogdan | Josh | Town of Dryden |
Bogdan | Valcan | University at Albany School of Public Health |
Bogdanets | Vlad | NYC Department of CIty Planning |
Bogdanovitch | Phil | TOME, LLC |
Boger | Rebecca | Brooklyn College |
Boggio | Hector | |
Boglioli | Melissa | Brown and Caldwell |
Bohling | Timothy | |
BOKKA | SATYA VENKATA SIDDHARTHA | University at Buffalo |
BOLOGNINI JR | JOHN | Nassau County Department of Assessment |
Bonczar | William | Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. |
Bonforte | Michaela | City of New York OTI (Contractor) |
Book | Skye | |
Borek | Gary | |
borfitz | william | RETIRED |
Bormann | Lee | Albany County Sheriff Department |
Borovska | Svetla | Tompkins County |
Borowski | Brian | Environmental & Epidemiology GIS |
Borruso | Megan | Gannett Fleming Engineers, P.C. |
Borst | John | NYS Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination |
BOSE | SUBHEN | NYS Office of General Supplies |
Botros | Lorraine | NYIT |
Boudreau | Daniel | GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. |
Bowering | Christopher | Ontario County Department of Public Works |
Bowersox | Mark | ITT Visual Information Solutions |
Boyd | Kimberly | GIS Consultant |
Boyd | Cambridge | Buffalo state |
Boyer | Jacqueline | NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets |
Boyle Lasher | Rosemary | Town of Cortlandt |
Brack | Linda | University of Denver |
Braden | Jessie | Pratt Center for Community Development |
Bradford | Charles Tyler | Peace Corps |
Brady | Eric | Bergmann Associates |
Brady | Michael | NYC Fire Department |
Braman | Neal | City Of Geneva |
Braswell | Thomas | HydroGeoLogic Inc. |
Brawer | Wendy | Green Map System |
Brazee | Christopher | City of Troy |
Breeding | David | AppGeo |
Breglio | Robert | Central Research Group, Inc. |
Breier | Paul | Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, DPC |
Brelos | Nancy | Pictometry International Corp. |
Brenneman | Maxwell | Vassar College |
Brenner | Matthew | SUNY Oneonta |
Brent | Heather | Town of Royalton |
Brewer | Gale | New York City Council |
Brian Thompson | Karmenplub | Karmenplub |
Bride | Christopher | Christopher Bride |
Bridge | Joshua | Office of the State Comptroller |
Bridges | Scott | |
Briggs | Michael | LaBella Associates |
Brister | Eric | First Page SEO Group |
Britt | Karen | Lehman College |
Brody | Larry | County of Dutchess |
Broida | Jonathan | Monroe Community College |
Brook | Audrey | MTA |
Brooks | Richard | Brooks and Brooks, P.C. |
Brooks | Brandy | EagleView |
Brooks | Arthur | Hunter College |
Broughton | Eric | The Map Nerd LLC |
Brousseau | Lorne | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County |
Brower | Robert | Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) |
Brower | Shelby | Ramboll |
Brown | Derrick | |
Brown | Sasha | Sasha Brown |
Brown | Ashley | CUNY Hunter College |
Brown | Maria | SoMAS – Sustainability Studies |
Brown | Calvin | Hunter College |
Brown | Kathleen | ASU |
brown | casmir | Monroe Community College |
Browne | Sylvie | NYSDOT Photogrammetry |
Brownell | Russell | Lewis County Real Property |
Browner | Mondello | NYC/HPD/Neighborhood Strategies |
Bruce | Ron | Media Ventures Inc. |
Brueckner | Paul | KLD Engineering, P.C. |
Brueckner-Humphreys | Max | Geography Graduate |
Bubniak | David | STC |
Buck | Andrew | Andrew Buck, AICP | Analytics + Planning + Design |
Buck | Gabrielle | Bergmann |
Buckholz | John | City of Ogdensburg |
Buckley | Alyssa | SUNY Fredonia |
Buckley, AICP | Arthur | Wyoming County Planning & Development |
Buczek | John | |
Buddi | Uday Kiran | Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota |
Buenaventura | Eden | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
Bueno | Alyssa | Skidmore College |
Buhr | Jay | Self-employed |
Bukofser | Holly | Westchester Community College |
Bulgak | Valentin | Suffolk County |
Bulger | Katherine | Wendel Companies |
Bullock | David | Lehman College |
Bunny | Michelle | Jefferson County |
Burch | Carol | |
Burdick | Clark | – |
Burgan | Brian | US Army |
Burgoon | David | Bergmann Associates |
Burley | Ryan | Surdex |
Burnard | Scott | Town of Queensbury |
Burnett | Ben | Esri |
Burns | Kelly | hdr inc |
Burns | Julia | State University of New York at Fredonia |
Burns | Hannah | SUNY Buffalo State |
Bursae | Anthony | Pictometry International Corp. |
Burstein | Lily | SUNY Binghamton University |
Burtch | Nathan | Finger Lakes Institute, Hobart & William Smith Colleges |
Burton | Kevin | Consultant |
Buss | Kate | Bergmann Associates |
Butler | Sara | Chemung County Planning |
Butterfield | Evan | CHA |
Butts | Kuan | MIT |
Buzzard | John | Southern Tier West RP@DB |
Byer | Laura | Byer Planning, LLC |
Byers | Larry | APGF |
Cabibbo | Francis | NYPD |
Cabrera | Limarie | Westchester Children’s Association |
Cabrera | Yenni | REAL |
Cabrera Flores | Giselle | Lehman College |
Cady | Carol | St. Lawrence University |
Cainaru | Traian | New York State Dept. of Transportation |
Cakmak | Didem | NYS Public Service Commission |
Cakmak | Girk | NYSTEC |
Calabrese | Timothy | NYC Dept. of Education – Office of Pupil Transportation |
Calabrese | Jacob | SUNY Fredonia |
Calabrese | Tim | Esri |
Calderon | Diana | Lehman College |
Calef | Monika | University at Albany, SUNY |
Calinao | Bernardita | Deputy Director |
Callaway | Ashley | George Mason University |
Camarella | Olivia | SUNY Fredonia |
Cameron | Sean | Central Park Conservancy |
Campbell | Cattyann | Tompkins County ITS/GIS |
Campbell | David | |
Campoverde | Bennet | Agustín Codazzi National Geographic Institute |
Capone | Paul | NYS ORPTS (retired) |
Carbajal | Jonathan | The Earth Institute |
Card | Dirk | Mohawk Valley Water Authority |
Cardenas | Diana | Hunter College |
Cardinal | Christopher | Center for NYC Neighborhoods |
Carey | Matthew | NYS Public Service Commission |
Carey | Samuel | NYS Parks |
Carey | Lauren | Lehman College |
Caris | Jon | Smith College |
Caris | Paul | NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection |
Carlini | Molly | N/a |
Carlisle | Joshua | Native American Industrial Solutions, LLC (NAIS) |
Carll | Danette | University at Albany |
Carlo | Peter | NYC Parks |
Carlson | Jessica | |
Carlson | Daniel | E1B |
Carlson | Richard | SUNY Alfred State |
Carlsson | Joshua | Town of Wilton, NY |
Carpenter | Joseph | PwC LLP |
Carraher | Michael | Nelson\Nygaard |
Carrion | Daniel | Binghamton University |
Carroll | Alexandra | JMT of New York, Inc. |
Carter | Julie | St. John’s University |
Carter | Star | Development Authority of the North Country |
Carter | Lauren | Unity college |
Cartwright | Elizabeth | Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC |
Cartwright | Holly | Skidmore College |
Caruso | Thomas | NYSDOH |
Casado | Caio | Maplink |
Casey | Lisa | Niagara County |
Cash | Alane | Alane |
Cashin | Michael | Stony Brook University |
Caskey | Dean | University at Albany |
Caskey | Dean | NYS Office of Information Technology Services |
Cass | Jason | Dakota Territory Specialists |
Cassens | Ryan | Erie County Water Authority |
Casserly | Dakota | St. Lawrence County Planning |
Cassidy | John | ESRI |
Cassidy | Carolyn | NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services |
Castiglione | Chris | US Fish & Wildlife Service |
Castillo | Reynaldo | Hudson County Community College |
Castro | John | Port authority of ny & nj |
Castro | Marco | Hunter College |
Castro | Ignacio | NYS |
Castro | Gabriel | Hunter College |
Caterino | John | Town of Greece |
Cato | Melissa | The City College of New York |
Cavagnaro | Erin | Arcadis |
Cea | Megan | Westchester County Department of Health |
Cederholm | Kurt | NYC Administration for Children’s Services |
Cehowski | Edward | Town of Colonie (Latham Water District) |
Celestin | Robert | Rutgers University |
Ceponis | Jennifer | Graduate Student/NYSDOH GIS Intern |
Cerqua | Ethan | EDRDPC |
Cerro | Kirsten | C&S Companies |
Certification | Gis | GIS Certification – University of Southern California |
Chadwick | March | M.Arch Architects |
Chan | Wai Ming | New York City Emergency Management |
Chan | Fanny | Hunter College |
Chan | Eric | Hunter College |
Chapis | Nicholas | Insite Engineering |
Chappell | Thomas | PAR Government Systems Corp |
Chappell | william | Central Hudson Gas & Electric |
Charafeddine | Moufid | BetterGIS |
Charde | Luke | NYS Library, NYS Education Department |
Charland | Louis | LNC |
Chase | Sherret E | CCMI-Chase Wind |
Chase | Helen | Chase Enterprises |
Chaucer | Alex | Skidmore College |
Chaudhary | Aashish | Kitware Inc. |
Cheadle | Emily | New York Natural Heritage |
Cheddie | Kristina | Hunter College |
Cheeseman | Craig | The Nature Conservancy |
Chen | Ping | NYS OMRDD |
Chen | Yi | Anchor-QEA |
Chen | Dave | NYM Infragard |
Chen | Vivian | NYU Center for Urban Science And Progress |
Chen | Yu Qiao | Hunter College |
Chen | Pengfei | Hong Kong Polyu |
Chen | Diana | UC Berkeley |
Chesney | Brian | Oregon state GIS student |
Chestnut | Donna | |
Cheung | Shek Kan | SUNY at Albany |
Cheung | Matthew | Lehman College |
Chiappetta | Christina | Stormwater Coalition of Albany County |
Chiarmonte | Joe | New York City Transit |
Chiatoh | Tubuo | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences |
Chien | Huicheng | SUNY at New Paltz |
Childs | Starling | Citiesense Inc. |
Chimento | Vince | Recent College Graduate |
Chin | Hank | EDR, INC. |
Cho | Stanley | Westchester County |
Chodoff | Sam | NYC DSNY |
Cholnoky | Jennifer | Skidmore College |
Chonigman | Phillip | GeoPolitical Strategies |
Choudhary | Manita | State University of New York at Buffalo |
Chow | Yvonne | Hunter College |
Chris Miller | AbdouHate | AbdouHate |
Chrisman | Ian | Paul Smith’s College |
Christian | Montfield | Eminent Geomatics |
Christiano | Mark | Gateway NRA |
Christiansen | Karina | Johns Hopkins University |
Christie | James | Small and Curious |
Christman | Kathryn | Onondaga Crime Analysis Center |
Christoffersen | Connor | Skidmore College |
Christonikos | Charles | The George Washington University |
Chu | Daniel | The New School |
Chung | Bowan | Pratt Institute |
Ciabattoni | Gabriella | None |
Ciccolini | Julie | Columbia University/The Legal Aid Society |
Cifelli | Scott | National Grid |
Cimino | Rosalind | Town of Dover, New York |
Ciolko | Orest | Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers, PC |
Cippoletti | Richard | North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority |
Circelli | Italyia | State Government Accountability |
Clark | Mary | |
Clark | Logan | Columbia University |
Clark | Heather | NYSM |
Clark | Anastasia | Lehman College |
Clark | Kathryn | Furman University |
Clark | Laura | Cardno, Inc. |
Clark | Holly | Student |
Clark | Kinney | NJ Historic Preservation Office |
Clark | Alicia | US Army |
Clarke | Michael | |
Clarke | Conor | New York City Department of City Planning |
Clarke | Glenasia | United States Army |
Clarkson | Brian | Town of Grand Island |
Clayton | Jeremiah | Hunter College |
Cleveland | Craig | Esri |
Cleveland | Joe | University At Albany |
Clohessy | James | |
Clouse | Logan | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Clow | Sheila | University of Cape Town |
Clum | Matthew | Ithaca College |
Clymer | Samuel | N/A |
Coady | Tara | Town of Southampton |
Coakley | Ben | Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission |
coakley | Mekhi | Bayside highschool |
Cobb | Jonathan | Waypoint Technology Group, LLC |
Coccia-Schillo | Samantha | Private GIS Consultant |
Cocks | Greg | Contractor Supporting The USGS |
Cocozza | Jennifer | Poughkeepsie-Dutchess County Transportation Council |
Coe | Anson | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation |
Cohen | Yeoshua | Hirani Engineering & Land Surveying, PC |
Cohen | Jeremy | Self |
Colberg | Giovanni | Syracuse-Onondaga County Planning Agency |
Colborn | Gerald | |
Cole | Justin | RIT |
Cole | Priscilla | Priscilla's Home Use |
Colley | Christine | NYSDOT |
Colling | Zachary | Buffalo State College |
Collins | Rob | Independent GIS Consultant |
Colomaio | Mary | Cornell University |
Colucci | Anthony | Arizona State University |
Combs | Lawrence | Skidmore College |
Conan | Lindsey | Inland Global Marketing |
Conger | Anne | n/a |
Coniglio | Gregory | LaBella Associates |
Conley | Brian | University at Buffalo Regional Institute |
Conner | Zachary | Hunter College |
Connor | Bill | Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) |
Connors | Jack | CitizensSalon |
Conover | Butch | E.J.Prescott |
Contino | Kevin | DANC |
Contreras | Ricardo | Los Angeles County Public Health Department |
Cook | David | Development Authority of the North Country |
Cook | Daniel | Pratt |
Cook | Emily | Binghamton University |
Cooke | Ryan | Private Forestry Consultant |
Coon | Mark | |
Coon | Talia | Environmental Design and Research |
Cooper | Brian | MJ Engineering & Land Surveying |
Cordero | Paul | N/A |
Cornejo | William | Hunter College |
Cornell | Lori | |
Cornett | Timothy | Allegheny College |
correa | monique | Hunter College |
Corwin | Bev | Consultant |
Coryell | Rodger | GIS Program Office |
Costello | Scott | MassGIS |
Costello | Gena | Maimonides Medical Center |
Costello | Kaitlin | Erie County – Dept. of Public Works |
Coulibaly | Nathalie | GIS Consultancy |
Cousins | Kenny | Cityworks |
Couture | Jay | |
Craft | Marcia | Northville Central School |
Crafts | Christine | Lu Engineers |
Craigmile | Joanna | Wyoming County GIS |
Cramblet | Stephanie | NA |
Cramer | Abigail | NYTTS |
Cramer | Abby | Rainforest Alliance |
Crawford | Robert | |
Crawford | Justin | Hunter College |
Creaser | Kenneth | None |
Crino | Michael | Baker Engineering NY, Inc. |
Crissman | Mckenzie | St. Johns University |
Croinex | Natalie | Office of General Services |
Croll | Christina | NYS OPRHP |
Crosdale | Donna | Manhattan Transit Authority – Long Island Railroad |
Croswell | Matthew | New York CIty Department of City Planning |
Croteau | Olivia | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Crotty | Cathy | USDA-NRCS |
Crowell | Natalie | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Crowley | Jeremy | Earth Environmental Consulting Solutions |
Cruden | Barbara | NYS DEC |
Crum | Townsend | Esri |
Cruz | Arnold | City of Rye |
Cruz | Cheri | Norse Energy Corp. USA |
Cruz | Amanda | NYC Department of Finance |
Cruz | Luis | USDA-NRCS |
Cruz | Ashley | Polythecnic University of Puerto Rico |
Cruz | Michael | Colliers Engineering & Design |
Csiza | Stephen | |
Csuha | David | John Jay College-CUNY |
Cubillos | Luis | |
Cucinella | Chris | Transfinder |
Cuff | Sid | IAGT |
Culp | Dylan | Hunter College |
Cunningham | Michael | Mapzen |
Cunningham | Peter | Hunter College |
Curri | Neil | Vassar College |
Curry | Rex | ReidCurry |
Cusumano | Marc | |
Cutler | Greg | Village of Mamaroneck |
Cutrone | Paula | Central NY Regional Transportation Authority – Centro |
Cutter | Glen | Clinton County Planning Department |
Cutter | Luke | Clinton County Planning Department |
Cyphers | Lisa | Adirondacks ACO |
Cytryn | Joy | Hunter College |
Cytryn | M. Joy | Graduate Center, CUNY |
Czajkowski | David | |
Czarka | Justin | CUNY Lehman College / NYC Dept of Education |
Czolowski | Eliza | The Palmerton Group, LLC |
D | Q | D |
D’Agostino | James | SMTC |
D’Eredita | Alexa | SUNY Fredonia |
Dabes | Joe | Finger Lakes Trail Conference |
DAbruzzo | Anthony | DCJS |
Dai | Lixian | Bergmann Associates |
Dalton | Craig | Hofstra University |
Daly | Tim | NYS Information Technology Services |
Daly | Frank | Pictometry International Corp. |
Daly | James | Suffolk County |
Daniels | Matthew | Cartegraph Systems Inc. |
Darley | Jason | Montclair State University |
Darling | Tara | SUNY Purchase College |
Das | Koyel | New York University |
Daugherty | Kristina | Monroe County GIS Services |
Davenport | James | Pomeroy Appraisal Associates, Inc. |
Davenport | Maryella | Schoharie County |
Davidson | Dennis | GIS Consultant |
Davidson | Zach | Paul Smith’s College |
Davis | George | NSION Technologies |
Davis | Matt | ESRI – Boston Office |
Davis | Miriam | |
Davis | Surayah | Unknown |
Davis | Sarah | Pratt Institute |
Davis | Tev’ye | Buffalo State |
Davis | Carlo | CUNY Hunter College |
Day | Glenn | RE Solutions |
Day | Magdalena | Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District |
Dayton | Patrick | SUNY Fredonia |
de Bruin | Corbin | Gayron de Bruin |
de Bruin | Gregory | Gayron de Bruin Land Surveying and Engineering, PC |
De Jesus | Karla | N/A |
de la Torre | Dave | Vassar College Alumnus |
de Sciora | Peter | Bowne Management Systems |
Deakin | Ann | Shale Creek Vineyard |
Dean | Morgan | TCEQ |
Dean-Banks | Alexa | University at Buffalo |
Deb Brown | proxynem | proxynem |
Debolt | Chris | Washington County |
Debyah | Michelle | Town of Pittsford |
Dec | Tim | James W. Sewall |
DeFrancisco | Paul | The Info-Guy |
Degaetano | Laura | Unknown |
DeGironimo | Elisabetta | NYS ITS |
DeGironimo | Jeffrey | |
DeGloria | Stephen | Cornell University |
DeGraff | Alison | University of the West Indies |
DeJesus | Jose | Crown Castle |
DeleteMe | DeleteMe | DeleteMe |
Delgado Sanchez | Paola | Lehman College |
DellaTorre | Caitlyn | DSNY |
DeLuca | James | NYS Canal Corporation |
DeMatteo | Jill | NYS OPWDD |
Demcher | Jaret | Gannett Fleming |
DeMeo | Timothy | NYS DEC |
Demkiv | Vitaliy | Hunter College |
Deng | Zuxuan | Ove Arup & Partners, PC |
Deng | Ellie | NYSDEC |
Dennis | Tara | Ecology and Environment |
DENNISTON | CHRISTIAN | Kaaterskill Associates |
denton | tom | Archdiocese of Philadelphia |
Derham | Annika | Annika Derham |
Dermody | Brian | Insite Engineering |
DeSanti | Matthew | CDM |
DeSantis | Liane | Anchor QEA |
DeSantis | Frank | EA Science and Technology |
DeSantis | Grace | University at Buffalo |
Deshaies | Jason | Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council |
Desnoyers | Daniella | DOE |
DesRochers | Annette | |
devabhaktuni | Srisheela | Neglia Engineering Associates |
DeVinney | Rob | CDM Smith |
devito | olivia | SUNY Purchase |
deVries | Peter | US Geological Survey |
DeWitt Ojeda | Cassandra | MTA |
DeWolf | Tanner | |
DeYager | Robert | Town of Tyrone Planning Board |
Di Salvo | David | City of Buffalo |
Diab | Abdullah | Cleveland State University |
Diarra | Cheick Tidiani | Praxair, Inc. |
Dibba | Khadijatou | New York University |
DiBenedetto | Lucy | Stony Brook University |
Dickerson | Kathryn | Pictometry International Corp. |
Dickey | Robert | Individual |
Dickson | Rowan | Rowan Dickson |
Dieg | Melanie | Landmarks Preservation Commission |
Diemer | Karen | Walden Environmental Engineering |
Dietrich | Mickey | NYS Tug Hill Commission |
Dietterich | Jim | Esri |
DiFabio | Michael | |
DiFilippo | Jeremy | Town of Henrietta |
DiFrancisco | Paul | |
Digan | Eileen | Student |
Dilauro | Garvis | GeoLith |
Dillon | Tim | SUNY Fredonia – STUDENT |
Dilorenzo | Salvatore | Pal Environmental Services |
Dirlam | Kier | Allegany County Office of Planning |
Dits | Dmitri | NYC Department of Buildings |
Dixit | Komal | New York University |
Dixon | Gregory | NYC EDC |
Doane | Cody | CDGeographic |
Doboe | Puck | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Dobrydney | Tom | Town of Big Flats |
Dodd | Mike | CH2M |
Doherty | Paul | Esri |
Dokania | Shourya | New York University |
Dolce | Maria | LaBella |
Dollins | William | Zekiah Technologies |
Dolte | Shannon | Putnam County IT/GIS |
Dombrowski MD | Wen | |
Domgjoni | Marko | GISCLOUD |
Donahoe | Norah | Individual |
Doneit | Fred | Doneit Group |
Dong | Weichuan | SUNY, University at Buffalo |
Donko-Hanson | Juireith | Monroe County Department of Public Health |
Donnelly | Nora | NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation |
Donnelly | Frank | Brown University |
Donovan | Brian | Thew Associates PE-LS, PLLC |
Doody | Sierra | SUNY Geneseo |
Dorf | Wendy | |
Dorf | Robert | Robert C. Dorf, Esq |
Douglas | Robert | |
Douglass | Claire | SiteCompli |
Dowd | Michael | MIT |
Dowling | Edward | Dowling Financial and Business Consulting Services |
Downey | Christina | Jefferson County |
Downey | Alisen | Brooklyn College |
Downing | Matthew | The Port Authority of NY & NJ |
Doyle | Mike | Fuss & O’Neill Technologies |
Doyle | Shannon | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Doyle | Brent | Hunter College |
Dravants | Derek | CHA Consulting |
Drescher | Elizabeth | Student |
Dreyfuss | Gadi | Guidehouse |
driscoll | susan | Town of Porter |
Driscoll | Paul | Onondaga County Water Environment Protection |
Drobnjak | Marija | Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York |
Drum | Lindsey | ARCADIS |
Drutjons | Matthew | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Dsouza | Aaron | NYU |
Du | Jasmine | Abt SRBI |
Dubiac | Michael | NYS Assembly |
duBourg | Olivia | University of Denver |
DuBreck | Catherine | TRC Companies |
Ducett, Jr. | Keith | Onondaga County 911 Emergency Communications |
Duchesne | Amanda | NYC Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation |
Duffy | Thomas | |
Dugger | Clarence | Ft Drum Master Planning Public Works |
Dumas | Cynthia | Franklin County Real Property |
Dunbar | Tom | Corning Community College |
Duncan | Chris | GIS Matters |
Duncan | Kelly | Penn State University |
Duncan | Kathryn | USDA NRCS |
Duncan | Madison | US Forest Service |
Dunks | Richard | Datapolitan |
Dunn | Clare | NYSDEC |
Dunn | Cameron | Hunter College |
Dunne | Casey | OHSEPR |
Dupre | jocelyn | Hunter College |
Durante | Emily | Skidmore College |
Dvorak | Katie | SUNY Fredonia – STUDENT |
Dvorak | Jake | SUNY New Paltz |
Dvorak | Jake | Con Edison |
Eagan | Jim | Buffalo Sewer Authority |
Easton | Max | Southern Tier West Regional Planning & Development Board |
Eberle | Bethany | Syracuse University |
Ebrahim | Christina | CUNY Hunter College |
Eddings | Justin | H2M Architects & Engineers |
Eddy | Laura | Col-East |
Edelstein | Karen | Finger Lakes Land Trust |
Edick | Garrett | UAlbany |
Edmonds | Jeffrey | Stony Brook University |
Edwards | Ryan | Stellar Services, Inc. |
Eggers | William | Medenbach & Eggers, PC |
EGUAKHIDE | OBEHI | EcoPro Resources Limited |
Eichelberger | Karen | Unknown |
Eiseman | Kathy | Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC |
Ejueyitchie | Patrick | Geo Imaging Consulting, Inc |
Elconin | Paul | Open Space Institute, Inc. |
Elerick | John | Suny Fredonia |
Elias | Cathie | TomTom |
Ellis | Stephen | Fugro |
Ellis | Bryan | NYS DEC |
elmazovski | erduan | leidos |
Elsholz | Paul | Town Of Manchester |
Elyukin | Sofiya | NYU |
Emad ElDin | Sarah | Sub Devisions |
Emerick | Steven | EHSpatial |
Emerson | Kathleen | Hunter College |
Emouna | Hannah | Nelson, Pope & Voorhis |
Emptage | Nickolette | BMCC |
Engel | Tayler | AirShark |
English | Douglas | Broome County |
Engstrom | Gerald | New York State Police |
Ennella | Melisa | H2M Group |
Eppig | Michele | Hunter College |
Epstein | Ari | NYS Department of State |
Epstein | Jennifer | Student |
Epting | Justin | Scenic Hudson |
Erickson | Mitch | USDHS |
Erlandson | Craig | GISinc |
Ernish | Elizabeth | NYC Parks |
Eshamwata | Antony | Geothern Consultants Ltd |
Eshenour | Eleanor | AECOM |
Espinoza | Devon | Hunter College |
Evans | Travis | vhb |
Evergreen | Gabriella | Pratt Institute |
Exam | Him | Himexam |
Eyres | Willow | Bagdon Environmental |
Ezewulu | Ogechukwu | North Carolina state University |
Fabozzi | Todd | Capital District Regional Planning Commission |
Fabrizio | Anthony | Town of Greenburgh |
Fairey | Donta’ | Ncsu |
Falvey | Bill | US Forest Service |
Fargione | Craig | NYS Office of Information Technology Services |
Fargnoli | Joseph | RITRE Corporation – Advance 2000 |
Faries | Carolyn | Ardent MC / DHS-NPPD |
Farkas | Daniel | Pace University |
Farmer | Carson | Hunter College, CUNY |
Farooq | Sarah | Fordham Unversity |
Farrell | Gerald | NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities |
Farrell | Ed | DVG |
Farrell | Tracy | City of Lockport |
Faught | Ray | NYS ITS GIS Program Office |
Feika | Mohamed | Student |
Feitner | Laura | Town of Smithtown |
Feldman | Brad | Suffolk County Water Authority |
Feldman | Anna | Pratt Institute |
Feng | Jimmy | University of Tennessee at Knoxville |
Fenner | Emily | Onondaga County 911 |
Fenno | Jacob | Consolidated Rail Corporation |
Fenske | Eric | Hartgen Archeological Associates Inc. |
Ferguson | Alexandra | University of California San Diego (Remote) |
Fernandez | Shakira | Hunter College |
Fernandez | Erika | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Ferrar | Adrian | Penn State University |
Ferrario | Arianna | Columbia Land Conservancy |
Ferrero | Heather | Livingston County Planning Department |
Ferzoco | Jeff | CARTO |
Fessler | Gregg | IPS |
Festa | Tom | NYSDEC |
Festa | Tom | NYSDOT |
Feygin | Danielle | Bergmann |
Fiacco | Jenna | SUNY Fredonia |
Fiack | Duran | Lehman College, CUNY |
Fico | Alyssa | CIESIN, Columbia University |
Fiduccia | Peter Cody | Cornell University |
Fielding | Brett | SUNY Fredonia |
Fields | Anyee | NYS Thruway Authority |
FIELDS | TIMOTHY | Westchester County |
Fiene | Justin | Onondaga Community College |
Fieramosca | Stefania | FBI |
Finkelstein | Andree | Syracuse University |
Finley | Chuck | N/a |
Finn | Christopher | Buffalo Niagara Enterprise |
Finnerty | Patrick | SUNY Fredonia |
Fiorentino | Mark | Tele Atlas |
Fischetti | Matthew | Hunter College |
Fischman | Rebecca | NYC Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency |
Fisher | Austin | fountains spatial inc |
Fisher | Kathy | fountains spatial, Inc. |
Fisher | Kim | Square Water |
Fisk | Amy | Niagara County Economic Development |
Fitzgerald | Michael | FPM Remediations Inc. |
Fitzgerald | Edward | Abt Associates |
Fitzpatrick | Sean | MTA |
Fitzpatrick | Sean | MTA NYCT |
Fivie | Kayla | College |
Flaxman | Seth | Carnegie Mellon University |
Fleischer | Laurence | City of Newburgh |
Fleury | Brian | -Utah Department of Transportation |
Flint | Juliana | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Flinton | Michael | |
Florentin | Jonathan | Hunter College |
Floriano | Samuel | Miami University |
Flynn | Celia | Seneca County Planning & Community Development |
Fogarty | Emily A. | Farmingdale State College |
Fontes | Alexander | GdB Geospatial |
Forbes | Sandra | Stantec |
Forbes | Antrico | Antrico |
Forrest | Matthew | CARTO |
Forys | Dannielle | SUNY Fredonia |
Foster | Nathan | National Weather Service |
Fountain | Tim | CAI Technologies |
Fowler | Stephanie | NYC DEP |
Fox | Nicole | Columbia University |
Frame | Seth | Tyler Technologies |
francbymnTU | francbymn | francbymn |
Francis | Joe | |
Frank | Elizabeth | School of GIS |
Frank | Travis | Slic Network Solutions |
Frankel | Merv | New York City Department of Environmental Protection |
Frankenfeld | Sara | fountains spatial, inc. |
Franklin | Jay | Tompkins County Assessment |
Frantz | Brian | Barton & Loguidice P.C. |
Frasier | Andrew | Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council |
Freckmann | Andrew | GeoDecisions |
Fredenburg | Jeffrey | TRC |
Frederiks | Ron | ASPRS |
Freehafer | Douglas | US Geological Survey NY Water Science Center |
Freeman | Raina | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Freiman | Benjamin | Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP |
Freiman | Elijah | Stormwater Coalition of Albany County |
French | Christopher | ESRI |
Frey | Paul | |
Frey | Jordan | N/A |
Freyburger | Scott | Tioga County Health Dept |
Frias | Paulina | |
Friedly | Brandyn | Freelance |
Friedman | Josh | NYC Emergency Management |
Friedman | Jesse | Germantown Friends School |
Friedman | Yitzchok | DoITT |
Friedman | Erin | CUNY Graduate Center |
Frish | Martha | School of the Art Institute |
Frishtick | Jonathan | GIS/GPS Mapping |
Fritschi | Stephen | NY Air National Guard |
Froewiss | Michelle | newsandreviews |
Frost | Maria | Bowne Management |
Frye Yanos | Theodore | Rutgers University Bloustein School |
Fuller | David | Union College |
Fuller | Trevor | State University of New York at Oneonta |
Fullwood | M. Dot | Columbia University, Teachers College |
Fulmer | Casey | Columbia University |
Funaro | Michael | Latitude Geographics |
Fung | Jocelyn | Pratt Institute |
Furber | Benjamin | n/a |
Furlow | Tim | Pratt |
Futter | Lindsay | SUNY Fredonia |
G | J | NYS |
Gabriel | Jim | PrimeAE |
Gaddis | Makariah | The New School |
Gadwalkar | Shreyes | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Gaetjens | Lisa | Hunter College |
Gaffey | Clare | SUNY Albany |
Gagliardi | Giovanni | Brooks & Brooks Land Surveyors, P.C. |
Gahagan | Patrick | Esri |
Gaiser | Marisa | University at Buffalo |
Gaiser | Elnora | LaBella Associates |
Gaito | Charles | New York Power Authority |
Galka | Max | Revaluate |
Gallagher | Catherine | Fordham University |
Gallaway | Douglas | Farmingdale State College |
Gallery | Paul | NYS DEC |
Galloway | Stewart | retired |
Galluccio | Ken | CDTA |
Gamache | Bryan | NYSDOT |
Gandhi | Bhavin | Leonard Jackson Associates |
Ganess | Anjali | Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. |
Gangemi | Michael | Erie County NY, Office of GIS |
Gannon | Brittany | HIV Center – Columbia University |
Ganser | Adam | Cornell University |
Gantzer | Kristy | Erie Community College |
Gao | Xue | Zillioninfo |
Garcia | Norman | NYC Housing Development Corporation |
Garcia | Evert | Town of Brighton |
Garcia | Cody | TWM Engineering and Geospatial Services |
GARCIA-OLIVA | MAURO | Freelance |
Gardner | Jeffrey | N/A |
Gardner | Jacob | PW Grosser Inc |
Garner | Jonathon | |
Garner | Jonathan | Eagleview |
Garrity | Colleen | SUNY-Geneseo Geography Department |
Garsonu | Emmanuel | Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology |
Gaskill | Derek | Hunter College |
Gass | Jordan | NYC Department of Environmental Protection |
Gatdula | Erin | Lehman College |
Gates | Justin | Brooks & Brooks, P.C. |
Gati | Gabriel | University at Albany School of Public Health |
Gatti | Sarah | Orleans County Department of Planning |
Gattu | Janaki | Geosys Enterprise Solutions |
Gaul | David | Hunter College |
Gaulin | Russell | MassDEP |
Gawron | Brad | Delta State University |
Gaynor | Joe | Broome County |
Gee | Mark | Mason Dixon Energy |
Gefell | Matt | Matt Gefell |
Gehrer | Robert | NYS ITS, GIS Program Office |
Gellerman | Oliver | Bowne AE&T |
Genaway | David | Town of Huntington |
Gendrano | Alexander | Alpha Phi Omega |
Genito | David | Lake Placid Fiber |
Genovese | Chris | Sanborn |
Gentile | Dominic | Fisher Associates |
Gentner | Lauren | Nornew, Inc. |
Georgalas | Michael | Langan Engineering & Environmental Services |
George | Mathew | Hazen and Sawyer |
George | Hatho | Student |
George | Rosy | Hunter College, CUNY |
Germain | Keith | SUNY Plattsburgh |
German | Timothy | Buffalo State College |
Gersmehl | Carol | Renaissance Charter School |
Gerstenberger | Lisa | SUNY ESF – STUDENT |
Gervais | Norman | SUNY Albany |
Gharapetian | Andre | CSUN |
Ghatage | Umesh | NITK |
Ghosen | Joseph | SouthArrow Consulting |
Giamarino | Christopher | Widllife Conservation Society |
Giampieri | Mario | Hunter College |
Gibson | Eric | Parsons |
Giddings | Mark | NYS Department of Health |
Gil | Luis | Baruch College |
Gilbert | Timothy | |
Gilbert | David | |
Gilbert | Brandi | Tioga County |
Gilbride | Timothy | Verizon Wireless |
Giles | Jon | Sebago Technics Inc |
Gillen | Dennis | City of Rome |
Gilmer | Jim | NYS Justice Center |
Gima | Wataru | The City University of New York Graduate Center |
Girdwood | Ian | St. Lawrence University |
Gisondo | Paul | Westchester County Department of Planning |
glassman | amy | independent |
Glazer | Shannon | |
Glogowski | Owen | Osmose, Inc |
Gluck | Michelle | Cornell Cooperative Extension |
Godell | Bill | NYS Office of Real Property Services |
Goldblatt | Marty | |
Goldin | Brian | Voyager Search |
Goldman | Jesse | Alliance for Downtown New York |
Goldstein | Benjamin | End Point Corporation |
Goldvekht | Igor | Hunter College CUNY |
Gollogly | Collin | N/A |
Gonçalves | Pedro | none |
Gonciarz | Kristy | AssetWorks LLC |
Gong | Karen Xia | Wendel Companies |
Gonnuru | Pratyusha | University of Houston |
Gonzalez-Gutierrez | Robert | Lehman College |
Good | John | Town of Newstead |
Goodman | Wylie | Cornell University |
Goodman | William | EagleView |
Goodman | Emily | MSU Denver |
Goodman | Danny | SLR Consulting |
goodrich | bryan | Binghamton University |
Goods | Eric | City of Baltimore |
Goodwin | Tom | CUNY Lehman College |
Goranson | Connor | Tenakill Middle School |
Gordillo | Carlos Hernan | IPES Instituto. |
Gordon | Charles | Suny Plattsburgh |
Gordon | Collin | SUNY Cortland |
Gort | Lynne | OPRHP |
Gould | Patricia | NECSD |
Gould | Kelsey | SUNY Fredonia |
Gould | Alexandra | SUNY Buffalo |
Gourdet | Elizabeth | PHAME |
Goyer | Toni | Office of Information Technology Services |
Gradoni | Peter | |
Grady | Richard | Applied Geographics, Inc. |
Grady | Kristen | The Graduate Center, CUNY |
Grady | Heather | USDA Farm Service Agency |
Graeff | Chrissy | PB |
Graf | Jason | Gayron de Bruin Land Surveying and Engineering, PC |
Graham | Nancy | GeoCue |
Graham | Rachel | SUNY ESF – The Ranger School |
Grandison | Zizwe | Delaware County Real property Tax Department |
Grant | Ian | Hunter College |
Grapentine | Joel | USDA Forest Service |
Graves | Kristin | |
Gray | Kevin | Leidos |
Grbic | Briget | Eagleview |
Green | Ron | Suffolk GIS Mapping Consultants |
Green | Joanna | Baruch College |
Greenfield | Douglas | City of Newton, MA |
Greenspan | Finn | San Francisco State University |
Greenwald | Jason | Live XYZ |
Greer | Krista | JMDavidson Engineering |
Gregg | Morgan | Environmental Design and Research |
Gregory | Jennifer | Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board |
Greiner | Meghan | SUNY Fredonia |
Grennan | Ryan | City of Pittsfield |
Griffin | David | NGA |
Griffiths | Gary | Autodesk, Inc. |
Grigg | Justin | Alfred University |
Grills | Sara | Public Archaeology Facility |
Grimm | Ryan | SUNY Brockport |
Grinde | Zane | SUNY Buffalo |
grober | arielle | Army National Guard |
Grodek | Adam | University at Buffalo |
Groff | Michael | Chas. H. Sells, Inc. |
Gross | Allen | Twelvedozen Solutions |
Gross | Chester | New York Metropolitan Transportation Council |
Grosso | Ashleigh | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation |
Grove | Shane | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Gryszel | Steven | MTA Long Island Rail Road |
Grzinic | Rossana | University of Denver |
Guadiana | Lorena | Student |
Guarino | Richard | GBNRTC |
Guazzo | William | |
Guckin | Bonnie | University at Buffalo (student) |
Gudbjornsson | Baldur | MapZen |
Guedko | Larissa | CIO/OFT |
Guerrieri | Margaret | |
Guglielmo | Ron | Creative Solutions |
Guild | Eileen | NYS CSCIC |
Gujarathi | Mohan | New York City Transit |
Gunderson | Lilian | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Gunderson | Jillian | Westchester County Department of Planning |
Gupta | Narendra | Buffalo University |
Gupta | Bishal | BMCC |
Gutelius | Bill | Qntfi, Inc. |
Guwrnsey | Gary | NYS DOT |
Guzman | David | GIS jobs |
Haas | Hayden | C&S Companies |
Habenstein-leal | Hannelore | Student at Hunter College |
Haberle | Mark | fountains spatial, inc. |
Hachadoorian | Lee | Temple University |
Hackett | Sean | New York University |
Hadcock | William | Lehr Land Surveyors |
Hadjin | Douglas | NYS DOT |
Haeckel | Ingrid | Hudsonia Ltd |
Hagar | Susan-Maire | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Hahn | Maureen | Buffalo State College |
Haight | Dawn | Peconic Land Trust |
Halasz | Sunita | |
Hall | James | VHB, Inc. |
Hall | Wesley | Cayuga Spatial Solutions |
Hallock | Timothy | |
Halloran | Jake | Monroe Community College |
Halter | Rebecca | Adirondack Land Trust |
Hammond | Robert | Olympic Regional Develoment Authority |
Hammond | John | xx |
HANDAL | Janet | Hunter College |
Hangen | John | City of Milford, CT |
Hanna | Liz | NYSERDA |
Hannam | David | n/a |
Hannan | Timothy J | SCSD |
Hannelore Jьtting | Richardcob | Richardcob |
Hannigan | Pamela | New York University |
Hanon | Stephen | Avenues: The World School |
Hanou | Ian | Plan-It Geo |
Hanscom | Michael | Lu Engineers |
Hanson | Stephanie | Buffalo Sewer Authority |
Hanusiak | Krzysztof | Invenergy |
Harden | Janette | Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency |
Harlan | Jaeda | Atkins |
Harman | Trey | Student |
Harper | Johnny | |
Harrigan | Scott | Harkin Aerial |
harris | meg | onondaga community college |
Harris | Andrew | Greene County |
Harris | Jason | Bronxdale High School |
Harris | John | Town of Islip |
Harris | Kelly | Metropolitan Transportation Authority |
Harrison | Michael | MLME |
Hart | Tom | NYS Dept. of Health |
Hart | Edward | Syracuse-Onondaga County Planning Agency |
Hart | Brian | New York State Department of Health |
Hartman | Danielle | Arup |
Hartman | Alexandra | Recent college graduate |
Harvill | Jennifer | NYS Tug Hill Commission |
Hassett | Elizabeth | SMTC |
Hassett | Jace | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Hastings | Kit | Buffalo State College – Great Lakes Center |
Hatzel | Jeffrey | Blue Marble Geographics |
Hatzis | Mimi | Hunter College |
Hauck | Lindsay | SUNY Albany |
Hautaniemi | Danielle | Cornell Cooperative Extension |
Hawkins | Sue | NYSDOT |
Hay | Christa | NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services |
Hay | Mathew | Health Research, Inc. |
Hayes | Steve | OSMF |
Hayes | Graham | Salamanca City Central School District |
Hayes | John | National Grid |
Hayes | Mary Kay | BioCentricity Solutions LLC |
Hayes | Ryann | SUNY Binghamton University |
He | Zhi Keng | CUNY Hunter College |
Healy | Erin | Stony Brook University |
Healy | David | Stone Environmental Inc. |
Healy | John | New York State United Teachers |
Heard | Kevin | SUNY Binghamton – GIS Core Facility |
Heard | Emily | Emily Heard, freelance |
Heaton | Sean | NYS OPRHP |
Heaton | Matthew | SUNY Geneseo |
HECHTLINGER | LAURA | The Cliffs Climbing and Fitness |
Heckman | Ian | USGS-Student Contractor |
Hedger | Chris | GdB Geospatial LS P.C. |
Heffernan | Leanne | SUNY Fredonia |
Hein | Paul | JIMAPCO, Inc. |
Heinsman | Raymond | Heinsman Surveying, PLLC |
Helbig | Ed | Orange County Water Authority |
Held | Thomas | NYC DOHMH |
Heldenfels | Brendan | The New School |
Helfrich | Mary Michelle | Student |
Heller | Sharon | Tompkins County Planning |
Hellwig | Eric | Albany Engineering Corporation |
Heltz Herman | Rachael | Dewberry |
Hemmer | F Michael | F. Michael Hemmer, LS, P.C. |
Hemnath | Oma | Hunter College |
Hendee | Benton | student |
Henderson | Tim | The Journal News |
Henderson | Brian | New Jersey Endangered & Nongame Species Program |
Henderson | Sophia | Vassar College |
HENRY | KAREN | NYS ITS, GIS Program Office |
Henry | Russ | Assessments Department COY |
Henry | Melissa | N/A |
Henzel | Zachariah | NA |
Hepler | Nicholas | New York State Office of Information Technology Services |
Herbert | Colleen | Archdiocese of New York |
Herco | Jeremy Anne | Pratt institute |
Herman | Eric | Retired |
Herman | Joshua | University at Buffalo |
Herman | Matt | Hunter College |
Hernandez Arellano | Diego A | Lehman College |
Herr | Michael | City of Rochester IT |
Herrig | Joshua | Columbia University |
Herrington | Lee | |
Herrman | Tyce | HDR |
Herter | Jeffrey | NYS Department of State |
Herter | Janet | |
Herzog | Nathan | Passero Associates |
Hess | Carsten | Autodesk, Inc. |
Hess | Zakkary | SUNY Fredonia |
Hesse | Sarah | M.J. Engineering & Land Surveying |
Hessler | Alyssa | Buffalo State College |
Hetzel | Jennifer | CineMassive Displays |
HIBBERT | KENESHIA | Hunter College |
Hickey | Robert | Photo Science |
Hickey | Kate | Applied Geographics, Inc. |
Hickin | Christopher | NYCDOT |
Hicks | Ed | Orienteering Unlimited |
Hicks | Jenna | |
Hidalgo | Noel | BetaNYC |
Higgins | Ryan | RIPCO Real Estate |
Higuchi | Yury | George Washington university |
Hill | Ralph | NYS Office of General Services |
Hill | Mariah | Pratt Institute |
Hill-James | Josephine | The New School |
Hilton | George | Town of Queensbury |
Hilts | Troy | Saratoga County |
Himber | Ari | CUNY |
Hines | Govi | Empire State Mines |
Hinton | Connor | VHB Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture |
Hiraldo-Gomez | Ana | Westchester County |
Hisgen | Thomas | NYDEC |
Hocknell | John | CUNY Hunter College |
Hodge | Bill | GISCI |
Hoffman | Larry | Hoffman Land Surveying & Geomatics |
Hoffman | Les | DCJS- Crime Analysis |
Hoffman | Kelley | SUNY Buffalo State |
Holden | Kim | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Delaware County |
Holewinski | Christopher | Cattaraugus County |
Hollamby | Bradley | |
Holland | Jennifer | US Census Bureau |
Hollingshead | Nicholas | Cornell University |
Holm | Walter | Private |
Holmquist | Meredith | Office of the State Comptroller |
Holzworth | Kelly | The LA Group |
Hondo | Tatsuya | Lehman College CUNY |
Hong | Yi | University of Toronto |
Hong | Joanne | Pennsylvania State University |
Hoople | Ryan | Ecology & Environment |
Hoover | Carl | Clarkson University |
Hopkins | Christine | Esri |
Hoque | Iffat | The Pennsylvania State University |
Horgan | Michael | US Census Bureau |
Horton | James | CHA |
Hoskins | Susan | Cornell University |
house | hugh | house |
Houston | Benjamin | GroundPoint Technologies, LLC |
Hovak | Corey | New York State Police – NYSIC |
Hove | Mark | |
Howard | Wayne | Solara Concepts, Monroe Community College |
Howard | Angelica | Purchase College |
Howard | Avrom | Nebu Consulting LLC |
Howard | Curtis | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Howe | Steven | |
Howe | Robert | Bard college |
Hoyt | Mike | |
Htet ko | Hlaing | Taninthayi nature reserve project |
htoon | soewin | MMIC Forest Plantation |
Htut | Kyaw | International Rescue Committee |
Hu | Yingjie | University at Buffalo |
Huang | Poshu | Najarian Associates |
Hubbs | Robert | Town of Smithtown |
HUBERTUS | STEPHEN | Stephen J. Hubertus, Land Surveyor |
Hubley | Jill | – |
Hudis | Sam | Hunter College |
Hudson | Alice | NYPL Map Div. (retired) |
Hug | Ezra | Boingo Wireless |
Hughes | Carl | McGill University |
Hughes | Nadine | Woodard & Curran |
Hughes | Ryan | University of Michigan |
Hughes | John | NYU |
Hulseapple | Scott | Alpha Geoscience |
Hult | Hailey | University at Buffalo |
Humagain | Kamal | SUNY Potsdam |
Humes | Emily | City of Long Beach |
Humphrey | Elaine | NYS Division of Criminal Justice |
Hunnewell | Margaret | The Knowledge Project |
Hunt | Greg | Waypoint Technology Group |
Hunt | Kevin | NYS Office of Information Technology Services |
Huntone | Beth | UDI, Inc. |
Huq | Miftahul | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Hurlbert | Roger | Sage Information Services |
Hurry | Brian | Baker Engineering NY, Inc. |
Hurwitz | Harrison | Tufts University |
Husain | Ammar | Student |
Hussain Syed | Subtain | LMKT |
Hutchinson | Holly | Search Team 5-1 |
Huttunen | Jorma | NYPD |
Hyland | Mark | NYS Environmental Conservations |
Hyland | Peter | Aerial Inventory, LLC |
Hynes | Thomas | |
Ibeabuchi | Uwadiegwu | university of lagos |
Ibrahim | Mohammed | SUNY Albany |
Igbo | Andrew | AIS |
Ilan | Lee | NYC Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation |
Ildefonso | Olivia | Freelancer |
Ilieva | Rositsa | Hunter College |
Illingworth | Christina | Development Authority of the North Country |
ilori | christopher | Simon Fraser University |
Ipsen | Heather | City of Schenectady |
Irish | Christina | North East Area Development, Inc. |
Irving | Rob | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Isaac | Dale | Monroe Community College |
Isaacs | Ian | Mapbox |
Ishman | Michael | HATCH Associates Consultants, Inc. |
Islam | Faisal | University of Tennessee Knoxville |
Ismaili | Shpend | Rochester Institute Of Technology |
Ives | Kathryn | TIG Environmental/Verdantas |
Jabot | Michael | SUNY Fredonia |
Jabot | David | Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust |
Jackson | Matthew | Suny At Albany |
Jadhav | Vishal | Bloomberg LP |
jadhav | swapnil | Hardcastle GIS LLC |
Jadhav | Neil | Hardcastle GIS |
Jain | Jennifer | Church Pension Group |
Jain | Nikhil | Columbia University |
Jakubec | Shane | EagleView |
Jalloh | Muhammad | |
James | Altynai | Hunter College CUNY |
Jamil | Umar | Defence Housing Authority Islamabad |
Jang | Sung-Gheel | Stony Brook University |
Janik | Karolina | New York City Department of Parks and Recreation |
Jankelowitz | Ariel | Ari Jankelowitz |
Janzen | Adam | Niagara Falls Water Board |
Jarocki | Amy | Montclair State University |
Jarvis | Electra | Pratt Institute |
Jaspal | Jasleen | SUNY Albany |
Jawalekar | Kaustubh | PACE UNIVERSITY |
Jeffway | Bill | Jeffway Consulting Partners |
JENDROWSKI | JENA | University at Buffalo |
Jenkins | Kevin | NYC Dept of Education, Pupil Transportation |
Jenkins | Keith | Cornell University |
Jenkins | Dasia | Pratt Institute |
Jessop-Humphris | Caitlin | Internet Marketing Ninjas |
Jessup | Adam | Lehman College |
Jeu | Amy | Hunter College, CUNY |
Jeu Robles | Amy | Hunter College |
Jezewski | Joyce | Village of East Aurora |
Jiang | Ming | Wendel Companies |
Jiang | Zhuoxing | KLD |
Jilson | Nicholas | Hunt Engineering |
Jimenez | Rose | City University of New York |
Jimenez Rivera | Erika | Hunter College |
Jimerson | Leatha | |
Jimerson | Gerri | Seneca Nation of Indians |
Jin | Shengxin | |
Jin | Jie | SUNY,University at Buffalo |
Jno Baptiste | Eliyah | Dominica Electricity Services |
Job | Chris | none |
Johns | Chris | University of North Carolina – Asheville |
Johnson | William | NYS Office of Info Tech Svcs |
Johnson | Kathy | |
Johnson | Tim | |
Johnson | Guy | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Johnson | Bill | MRB Group |
Johnson | Scott | New York State Office of Information Technology Services |
Johnson | Samantha | Fredonia |
Johnson | Tera | Skidmore College |
Johnson | Glen | CUNY School of Public Health |
Johnson | Melanie | Paul Smith’s College |
Johnson | Dennis | Johnson Forestry & Timber Harvest |
Johnson | Jay | North Carolina Department of Information Technology |
Johnson | Lucas | SUNY ESF |
Johnson | Lucia | University at Albany |
Johnson | Matthew | CUNY Hunter College |
Johnson | George | Columbia University |
Johnston | Sarah | NYS Dept of Agriculture & Markets |
Jones | Joseph T. | Nassau County |
Jones | Robert | Skidmore College |
jones | mike | GIS |
Jones | James | WNYGIS |
Jones | Paula | SUNY Buffalo State |
Jones | Nathaniel | New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery |
Jong | Julia | Hunter College CUNY |
Jordan | Michele | Town of Pound Ridge |
Jordan | Molly | NYS Adirondack Park Agency |
Jordan | Andrew | Fugro |
Jorgensen | David | Toxics Targeting, Inc. |
Jose | Praveen | Coordinate Systema |
Josefson | Maria | Town of Easton |
Joseph | Gian | Pace University |
Joseph | Rachel | Eagleview |
Josephs | Holly | Hunter College |
JoseStXV | JoseSt | JoseSt |
Jourgensen | Ingrid | Hillsborough County |
Jovanovic | Radmila | University of Belgrade |
Judge | Timothy | Ramapo College of NJ |
Judycki | Brian | MVCC |
Juncadella | Carolina | Pratt Institute |
Junuzovic | Benjamin | University at Buffalo |
Justanna | Gray | |
Justham | Cheyrl | New York City Emergency Management |
Justice | Joshua | Rochester Institute of Technology |
JustinlenRH | Justinlen | Justinlen |
Justo | Roy | Information Builders |
Kacir | Robert | Paul Smiths College |
Kahabka | Daniel | Steuben County |
Kahl | Samantha | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation |
Kai Hartmann | RockNorp | RockNorp |
Kaigle | Anna | Vassar College |
Kain | Kevin | City of Peekskill |
Kakar | Chelsea | Terra Forma, LLC |
Kalasardo | Jennifer | Iroquois Gas Transmission System |
Kamat | Adhya | Clarkson University |
Kambo | Rajbir | |
Kampf | Richard | Gowanus Canal Conservancy |
Kamptner | Erika | PlanetRisk |
Kanfoush | Sharon | Utica University Geology |
Kant | Dale | The Marcus Organization |
kantharaj | krithica | esri |
Kappel | Jonathan | Liberty Utilities |
Karim | Imtiaz | H2M architects + engineers |
Karim | Hajar | Hofstra University |
Karpen | Jim | Pitney Bowes Software |
Kased | Razy | EagleView |
Kashishian | Amy | City of Niagara Falls |
Kashtan | Sara | SUNY Binghamton |
Kassian | Orestes | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Katara | DEVAKI NANDAN | Hcl comnet |
Katko | Jan-Dominik | NYS GIS Program |
Katz | Benjamin | CUNY School of Public Health |
Katze | Prudence | Hunter College |
Kaunitz | Marsha | New York City Dept. of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DOITT) |
Kay | Rhonda | Town Of Webster |
Kayser | Micaela | University at Albany |
Keable | Spencer | NYSDOH |
Keagle | Carolyn | Gayron de Bruin |
Keck | Stella | Columbia University |
Keenan | John | RenFriends of Grafton Lakes State Park, Inc. |
Keesler-Lynch | Karlene A. | New York State Department of Transportation |
Keifer | Colleen | Yonkers Police Department |
Keller | Jim | |
Kelley | Destiny | Hunter College |
Kelley | David | US Geological Survey |
Kelly | Joe | Traverse Technologies, Inc. |
Kelly | John | SDG, |
Kelly | Brett | Will Map For Food |
Kelly | Jacqueline | SUNY Fredonia |
Kelly-Schicker | Nancy | Orleans County Health Dept |
Kelly-Voicu | Eniko | Hunter College |
Kendall | Matthew | |
Kenealy | Kevin | Paul Smith’s College |
Kennedy | Joseph | NYC Department of Health |
Kennedy | TJ | University at Albany |
Kennedy | Justin | Seneca Nation of Indians |
Kenney | Frank | US Geological Survey (USGS) New York Water Science Center |
Kensy | Nancy | |
Kenyon | Meagan | Fortuna Energy Inc. |
Keplinger | Bruce | Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board |
Keppel | Angela | Buffalo Place |
Kerman | Judith | Woodstock Planning Board |
Kernan | James | SUNY Geneseo |
Kerr | Taylor | Paul Smith’s College |
Kersnowski | Adam | AirWorks |
Kessler | Yosef | Hunter College |
Kessler-Lynch | Karlene | Unknown |
Ketcham | Betty | NYS DOT |
Keyel | Alexander | Colorado State University |
Keyser | Gregory | Town of Ellicottville |
Khamis | Syed | Directorate of Urban Policy |
Khan | Mohammad Muqeet | Aligarh Muslim University |
Khan | Imrana Jahan | BETC |
Khatami | Reza | SUNY-ESF |
Khayat | Farzaneh | SUNY ESF |
Khazan | Anna | Brandeis University |
Khitrik | Lana | Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, P.C. |
Kibbee | Robert | The History Center in Tompkins County |
Kichurchak | Ronald | Hunter College |
Killeen | Sarah | Ryan Biggs Clark Davis Engineering |
Kim | Hyunsuk | |
Kim | Pyung ho | LIRR |
Kim | Youngran | Hunter college |
Kim | Chris | Lehman College |
Kinal | Brent | NYS Office of Renewable Energy Siting |
Kinn | Christine | Chautauqua County |
Kinsella | Ryan | Binghamton University- Office of Emergency Management |
Kirbow | John | Project Fort Defiance |
Kirchberger | Daniel | The Buffalo News |
Kiwitt | Tucker | RIT |
Kiyanitsa | Katherine | NYS Office of Information Techology Services |
Klatsky | Michael | Town of Ramapo |
Klatt | Lois | NYS DEC |
Kleckowski | Jacek | CARSI |
Klein | Jo | Cornell University |
Klem | Marcus | |
Klepner | Lou | DreamStreets |
Klimow | Skyler | SUNY Geneseo |
Kliphon | David | Software Consulting Associates |
Kloeber | Ken | Ken W. Kloeber Consulting Engineers |
Knapp | Al | Tioga County Health Dept |
Knapp | Michael | Mohawk Valley Water Authority |
Knauer | Denise | City of Peekskill |
Knauss | Mary Susan | Self Employed |
Knight | Justin | |
Knutzen | Matthew | New York Public Library |
Kobos | Christopher | H2M architects + engineers |
Koenig | Max | Skidmore College |
Koestner | Carolyn | Lake Placid Land Conservancy |
Kogan | Barry | Wave Hill |
Kohany | Timothy | JMC |
Kohberger | Matthew | NA |
kolawole | mobolaji | aids healthcare foundation |
Koli | Fatima | Columbia University |
Kollakkaran | Johnson | PARSONS |
Kolody | Michael | Suburban Consulting Engineers, Inc. |
Kommeth | Bradley | Oswego County Real Property |
Konarski III | John | American Geographical Society (AGS) |
Konforti | Ofir | |
Kong | Myongsun | Colgate University |
Koo | Connie | CUNY Hunter College |
Koopman | Marc | WSP, USA |
Korpus | Marc | HDR |
Koschinsky | Julia | GeoDa Center, Arizona State University |
Kotalik | Andrew | Hunter College |
Koterba | Michael | MJ Engineering & Land Surveying |
Kothuru | Sriharsha | NYSDOH |
Koutoumbas | Dimitris | City College of NY |
KOUTSOURADI | PERSEFONI | Aristotle university of Thessaloniki |
Kovacs | Henry | New York State Office of Information Technology Services |
Krahling | Heidi | NYS Natural Heritage Program |
Krane | John | New York Precision Equipment |
Krechetova | Varvara | Independent Consultant |
Kremer | Peleg | The New School |
Kreutzer | Edward | University of Vermont |
Krietemeyer | Bess | Syracuse University |
Krish | Nathaniel | City of Newport News VA |
Krolikowski | Aaron | Independent Research Services |
Krumski | Joshua | Williams |
Ku | Minyoung | John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York |
Kubiak | Rachel | Pictometry International |
Kuch | Stephen | Student |
Kulpa | Brian | Clark Patterson Associates |
Kum | Susan | University at Buffalo |
kumar | Abhishek | igmGuru |
Kundu | Piyali | ESRI |
Kuntz | James | Me |
Kupava | Yanina | Central Park Conservancy |
KV | Harish | ULTS |
KWAN | SIU LUNG | Department of Finance |
Kwasnowski | Karen | Groundpoint Technologies LLC |
Kwasnowski | Daniel | Town of Dryden |
Kyaw | Wai Yan | Ecosystem Conservation and Community Development Initiative (ECCDI) |
Kyaw Soe | pulserimagesplub | pulserimagesplub |
La Salle | Teresa | Capital Region Transportation Council |
Laacouri | Aicam | UMN |
Laba | Magdeline | |
LaBruna | Danielle | Wildlife Conservation Society |
LaClair | Verne | Vertex Geospatial Inc |
Laefer | Debra | NYU |
LaFantasie | Jordge | NYS DOH |
Laffey | Beth | |
Lagendyk | Kristen | SUNY Fredonia |
LaGuardia-LoBianco | Gino | cafeTechne |
Lahiri | Saptarshi | Onondaga Earth Corps |
LAI | JEANIE | Clark University |
Laibowitz | Rachel | RIT |
Lakamp | Patrick | The Buffalo News |
Lal | Rajesh | Home |
Lamb | Austin | ROC |
Lamba | Himanshu | New York Intstitute of Technology |
Lamboy III | George F | Slope Digital Aerial Imagery Sven LLC |
LaMotta | Jaclyn | AKRF, Inc. |
Lampe | Taylor | Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health |
Lanchantin | Alexander | NYSDEC |
Lande | Nicolas | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Landreville | Daniel | C.T. Male Associates |
Lane | Justin | Village Of Attica |
Langella | Jeff | NYS CSCIC |
LANGLOIS | LAURENCE | Town of Stoughton |
Langstaff | Jon | Pictometry International |
Langus | Daniel | Live XYZ |
Lapp | John | Jorola Enterprises |
LaQuay | Todd | Seneca Nation of Indians |
Larkin | Abigail | SUNY ESF |
LaRoche | Gibson | Hofstra University |
LaRocque | William | Hexagon Geospatial |
LaRose Lewison | Stephanie | PVE Sheffler/Conrad Geoscience & Vassar College |
Laroussi | Joanna | DOE |
Lasch | Joseph | NYS Department of Public Service |
Lash | Jocelyn | SUNY Fredonia |
LaShell | David | Esri |
Lasko Ii | Richard | Sewall Company |
Latham | Solomon | self |
Lau | Michael | Esri HK |
Lauermann | John | Pratt Institute |
Laura | Elena | City of Ithaca, Water and Sewer Division |
Lauridsen | Peter | NYS Department of State |
LaValle | Penny | Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency |
LaValle | Amanda | Ulster County |
Law | Kristina | DCJS |
Lawler | Eric | Suffolk County Government |
Lawler | Meghan | |
Layden | Kiera | CPL |
Layugan | Anela | Landmarks Preservation Commission |
Lazo | Matthew | Hunter College |
Lazrus | Paula | St. Johns University |
Leavy | Chris | SUNY fredonia |
LeBarron | Megan | SUNY Fredonia – STUDENT |
LeBlanc | Sophia | City of Rochester |
LeClair | Lawrence | SUNY Albany |
Lederer-Barnes | Rick | Upstate GIS |
Lederman | Clyde | N/A |
Lee | Emory Grace | Insight Civil |
Lee | Geunhee | MIT |
Lee | Ji Seon | Fordham University |
Lee | Marilyn | NYCEDC |
Lee | Joan | Hunter College |
Leed | Jeff | Leed Environmental, Inc. |
Leet | Allison | AECOM |
Leff | Pearl | Hunter College |
Lehman | Darlene | CUNY Hunter College |
Lehmann | Zachary | Great Ecology |
Lehmann | Alexis | Columbia University (student) |
Lehner | Jessica | self |
Leidner | Alan | NYC GISMO |
Leidner | Ian | Vassar College |
Leisure | Donald | Development Authority of the North Country |
Lellis | Paulo | Hunter College |
Lemma | Teshome | ServiceTitan |
Lemoine | Stephanie | Devon Energy |
Lennon | Ryan | Hunter College |
Lenz | Peter | Philip Habib Associates |
Leon | Lora | NYS Department of Transportation |
Leroy | Samantha | Town of New Castle |
Leslie | Robert | Clough Harbour & Associates, LLP |
LESLIE | SCOTT | National Business Technologies |
Leung | Shirley | Hunter College |
Levandowski | Jim | NYS GISPO SAM Team |
Levental | Simcha | Urban Applications |
Levesque | Elizabeth | University at Albany |
Levick | Nadine | iRescU |
Levine | Ira | NYC/HPD/TSD |
Levine | Adam | SUNY Cortland |
Levine | Brett | Cuny Lehman college |
Levine | Ben | SUNY Binghamton |
Levine | Daniel | n/a |
Levy | Emily Ahn | NYC Emergency Management |
Levy-Bencheton | Cornelia | CLB Strategic Consulting |
Lewis | Theodore | SUNY Brockport |
Lewis | Frank | New York University |
Lewis | Tania | unemployed |
Leypoldt | Dustin | noblegaslab |
Lhamo | Kelzang | Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy |
Li | Welf | AvisMap GIS Technologies |
Li | Tongyan | Monroe County Planning |
Li | Jiang | Cornell University |
Li | Qiongyao | 1990 |
Li | Bridget | Hunter College |
Li | Ruoyu | NYU CUSP |
Liebentritt | Ian | University at Buffalo |
Lieberman | Joshua | Open Geospatial Consortium |
Liebmann | Susan | NYS DOT |
Lifs | Emily | Hunter College |
Lightfoot | Summer | The New School |
Limoli | Anthony | Smithtown |
Lin | Jayden | New York University |
Lin | Ruoran | Columbia University |
Lind | Magnus | |
Lindsey | Erika | Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability |
Linehan | Caitlyn | CUNY Lehman College |
Liptak | Ian | LTS Consulting |
Liranzo | Frank | University at Albany SUNY |
Little | Jonathon | Monroe Community College |
Little | Mark | The Little Company, Inc. |
Liu | Renjie | SUNY-BUFFALO |
Liu | Jia | University at Buffalo |
Liu | Shirley | CUNY Hunter College |
Liu | Elliott | CUNY Graduate Center Anthropology Ph.D. Program |
Liu | Glenn | CUNY Hunter College |
Liu | Simon | Lehman College |
Liu | Xin | KeyJargon |
Liu | Zheyu | Columbia University |
Liu | Colin (Xinghe) | Geocove |
Liuzzo | Ray | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Llinas | Eduardo | |
Lloyd | James | Costich Engineering |
Lloyd | Stephen | The Nature Conservancy |
LoBello | Sara | LaBella Associates |
Locke | Bob | Pictometry International Corp. |
Logan | Douglas | |
Loges | Bill | Infogroup |
Loggins | Ryan | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Long | Jeff | NYS Department of Public Service |
Loomis | Dianne | |
Lopez | Angel | New York City Housing Authority |
Lopez | Rudy | NYC Department of CIty Planning |
Lopez-Torrijos | Ricardo | NYS DEC |
Lorenzin | Giulia | Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy |
Lorenzo | Silvia | NYC Department of City Planning |
Lorenzo | Hector | Hunter College |
Lotstein | Enid | Hofstra University |
Louie | Cynthia | Westchester County |
Louise | Ariana | Ecology and Environment, Inc. |
Lounsbury | David | Retired |
Lounsbury | Scott | Rockland County Planning Department |
Love | Cliff | Profitable Growth Services, LLC |
lovitz | Trevor | Hunter College |
Loweff | Jules | MTA |
Lowell | Andy | US Fish & Wildlife Service |
Lowenhaupt | Thomas | Inc. |
Lu | Jacqueline | NYC Parks & Recreation |
Lucero | Keylen | Gettysburg College |
Luethi | Michael | Rucksackradar |
lufker | leonard | self |
Lui | Nicollette | Abt. SRBI, Inc. |
Luk | Carolyn | Columbia University |
Lukasiak | Anna | Open JC |
Lumb | Merissa | AECOM |
Lund | Liz | NV5 |
Luo | Zhaoyu | University at Buffalo |
Lupercio | Daniel | CUNY – Hunter College |
Lupiani | Susan | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Lupo | Bob | City University of New York |
Lynch | Connor | Westchester GIS |
Lyndaker | Ryan | Student at Cayuga Community College |
Lyon | Andrew | Private |
m richards | javascriptma | javascriptma |
Ma | Qingyu | University of Pennsylvania |
Ma | Yijun | NYC Department of City Planning |
Maantay | Juliana | City University of New York/Lehman College |
MacDonald | Thomas | CUNY Hunter |
Maceachern | Brent | |
Macfarland | James | NYS OPRHP Snowmobile Unit |
MacFarlane | Kristen | CUNY Lehman College |
Machado | Elia | City University of New York |
Machung | Laurie | New York City Department of Environmental Protection |
Mack | Kenneth | AKRF, Inc. |
Mackay | Daniel | Preservation League of New York State |
Mackey Pollack | Theo | Legal Towns |
Macklin | Sharron | |
MacLennan | Renzo | |
MacManus | Kytt | Columbia University: CIESIN |
MacPherson | Richard | Actively searching |
Macri | Annarita | NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation |
madden | jim | Gallowglass Group |
Maddi | Ahmadreza | Lehman college |
Maddox | Kevin | WSP |
Madeline Nupp | berglandplub | berglandplub |
Mafla Potes | Juan | Self |
Maggio | Phillip | Stony Brook University |
Magnusson | Angela | Self |
Maguire | Mary | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation |
Mahabir | Ron | George Mason University |
Mahfouz | Amany | Hunter College |
mahmoud | mustafa | itsacademy |
Mahoney | Elizabeth | Buffalo State College |
Mahoney | Michael | State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
Maio | Gary | |
Maire | Christian | Geoweb3d Inc. |
Majestic | Anastasia | Jett Industries, Inc |
Major | Elizabeth | CUNY Institute for Demographic Research |
Major | Clay | Town of south windsor |
Makely | Susan | Schoharie County |
Maker | Malek | GISCorps& Greenstands |
Makinster | Jim | Hobart and William Smith Colleges |
Makovics | Alexander | UNESCO |
Makowicki | Andrew | Masters Student |
Makwana | Prashant | SAIT |
Malaspina | Humberto | PDVSA |
Malave | Steven | Department of the Air Force |
Malinowski | Matthew | LaBella Associates |
Mallavaram | Sumant | HDR, Inc |
Mallin | Andrew | ARE Corp |
Malloy | Alexandra | Fisher Associates |
Maloney | Elizabeth | Cornell University |
Mancell | Benjamin | NYC Department of Buildings |
Mangione | Kyle | NYS Department of Health |
Mangione | Matt | Sky GIS |
Mankiewicz | Phoebe | Harlem River Working Group |
Mankiewicz | Paul | The Gaia Institute |
Manley | Scott | VHB |
Mann | Maya | The Johns Hopkins University |
Manor | Jeremy | College graduate looking for GIS employment opportunities |
Manos | Peter | Hunter College |
Mar | Zin | INGO |
Marable | Jonathan | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
Maradiaga | Katherine | Marist College |
Maravillas | Jennifer | Jennifer Maravillas Studio |
Marchand | Normand | North Providence GIS Coordinator |
Marcucci | Derrick (Dirk) | Landmark Archaeology, Inc. |
Marcus | Eric | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Margolis | Sara | Dewberry |
Marhevsky | Jaime | |
Marin | Carlos | Hunter College |
Marino | Bart | LKB |
Marino | John | NY Natural Heritage Program |
Marinov | April | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Mariotti | Kera | Alfred State College |
Mark | Michael | Professional Consulting, LLC |
Mark-O. Heyerhoff | imagesofdesire | imagesofdesire |
Markham | Margaret | LaBella Associates |
Marley | David | Geographic Information Services, Inc. |
Marmara | Alexis | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Maroon | Mike | |
Marrero | Giovanni | AECOM |
Marschner | Caroline | Cornell University, NYS Hemlock Initiative |
Marsden | Janet | Syracuse University |
Marsh | Meagan | Park United Methodist After-School Program |
Martel | Michael | NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets |
Martin | Brennan | Tufts University |
Martin | Jonathan | U.S. Census Bureau |
Martin | Michael | Cedar Eden Environmental LLC |
Martin | Matthew | Plumley Engineering |
Martin | Jocelyn | SUNY Fredonia- student |
Martin | Robert | National Fuel Distribution Corp |
Martin | Cody | C&S Engineer, Inc. |
Martina | Jon | NY Department of Labor |
Martonis | Daniel | |
Masback | Keith | Plum Run, LLC |
Masin | Robert | Town of East Hampton |
Masitha | Maseeng | Clark University |
MASON | MICHAEL | EagleView Technologies |
Massey | Dillon | GISMO |
Mastin | Matthew | |
Maswary | Jacquelyn | N/A |
Matahelemual | Godfried Junio | NYU |
Matake | Tshedisho | Skidmore College |
Mateja | Rob | Town of Colonie |
Mateus | Vanessa | IGP |
Mathews | Adam | City of Ithaca |
Mathews | Alyssa | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Mathews | Gillian | CCE Ulster |
Mathis | Leah | SUNY Geneseo |
Matis | Michael | |
Matles | Amanda | Graduate Center, CUNY |
Matthews | Lou | Carpenter Environmental Associates |
Matthews | Terri | NYC DDC Town+Gown |
Matthies-Wiza | Lisa | Erie County Department of Environment and Planning |
Matus | Katie | SUNY New Paltz |
Maureen | Marsh | OBG |
Maurer | Rebecca | NYSDOT |
maxwell | moureen | moureenmax |
May | Shane | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
May | Julio | University of Girona |
May | Kate | City of Rochester |
Maynus | Dawn | NYSDOH |
Mayr | Jon | Southern Tier West Regional Planning and Development Board |
Mayr | Ryan | NYS Canal Corporation |
Mays | Kyle | United Water |
Mazer | David | Rhode Island School of Design |
Mazzilli | Daniel | Hunter College |
McBride | Bryan | CHA Consulting, Inc. |
McCabe | Shawn | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
McCabe | Erin | Pratt Institute – SILS |
Mccaffrey | Brian | Shore 2 Shore Wireless |
McCall | Dawn | Control Point Associates |
McCarrick | Ryan | Kent State University (Student) |
MCCARTHY | DANIEL | Praetorius and Conrad |
McCarty | Scott | Monroe County GIS Services Division |
McClimans | Don | Finger Lakes Trail |
McConnell | James | NYC Office of Emergency Management |
McCormick | Meghan | State University of New York at Fredonia |
McCreery | David | David McCreery |
McDermott | Timothy | BetaNYC |
McDevitt | Stephen | US Army Corps of Engineers |
McDonald | Dick | Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science (USGS DOI) |
McDonald | Amanda | MRB GROUP |
McDonald | Jim | |
McDonald | John | Town of New Windsor |
McDonald | Patrick | GIS Management Perspectives |
McDonald | Phillip | McDonald |
McElroy | Stacie | SUNY Fredonia |
McGee | Emma | Rochester Institute of Technology |
McGehee | Michael | New England Renewable Energy Consulting |
McGill | Michelle | Clarkson University |
McGlinn | Lawrence | SUNY-New Paltz |
McGrail | Stephen | Delaware County |
McHugh | Daniel | ( retired NYC Transit) |
McInnes | Michele | NYC Department of City Planning |
McKean | Kelly | NYS Adirondack Park Agency |
McKillen | Timothy | Bowne Management Systems |
McLenan | Morgan | New York Restoration Project |
McMaster | Jeremy | Census Bureau – New York |
McNamara | Aaron | Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board |
McRae | Liam | Bennington College |
McRobbie | Oliver | Unknown |
McVaugh | Donna | n/a |
McWilliams | Neusa | Fulton County |
Meade | Brian | |
Meaney | Lisa | Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board |
Medina | Veronica | Fisher Associates |
Meehan | Brian | Allendale Columbia School |
Meenan | Kevin | CityDroneZ LLC |
Megahed | Ahmed | University |
Mehta | Rashmikant | City of New Rochelle , Dept. of Public Works |
Meister | Keith | AECOM |
Meltz | Donald | Columbia County Planning |
Meltz | Terry | Don Meltz Planning and GIS |
Menard | Jason | AES Northeast |
Mendeloff | Dara | DNM Geospatial, LLC |
Mendez | Noemi | US Census Bureau |
Mendieta | Ryan | Mendieta, LLC |
Mendola | Andrew | Pictometry International |
Menia | Keith | Town of Bethlehem |
Mercurio | Matt | |
Meren | Drew | Quantum Spatial, Inc. |
Merette | Irene | The Knowledge House |
Merkel | Thomas | FDNY |
Merklinger | Douglas | Monroe Community College |
Merli | Liam | SUNY Stony Brook University |
Merritts | Daniel | Merritts GIS LTD |
Messak | Sue | |
Metilda J | Esther | Student |
metts | stephen | New School |
Meunier | Annabelle | Hunter College |
Meyer | Becky | Milone & MacBroom, Inc. |
Meyer | Collin | University at Buffalo |
Meyer | Jessica | GeoComm Inc |
Meyers | Jonathan | |
Meyerson | Aaron | |
mgmg | zwe | Forest Department |
Michaelree | Christina | Crown Castle |
Michaloski | Shawn | Fisher Associates |
michalowski | timothy | Abt SRBI |
Mickelson | John | Geospatial & Ecological Services |
Mietz | John | NYSDEC |
Miglarese | Anne | |
Miglietta | Tania | University of Cape Town |
Milbourn | Frank | George Washington University |
Milburn | Brett | Langan Engineering & Environmental Services |
Miller | Jean | IAGT |
Miller | Wendy | SUNY Cortland |
Miller | Julie | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service |
Miller | David | SUNY Cortland |
Miller | Duane | |
Miller | Steven | NYSDEC |
Miller | Ashley | Tyler Technologies |
Miller | Tracy | Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. |
Miller | Jesse | LaGuardia Community College |
Miller | Stephen | NGA |
Miller | Andie | RIPCO Real Estate |
Miller | Hayley | Esri |
Miller | Rock | Hunter College |
Mills | Stephen | University at Buffalo |
Millus | Mary | City of Albany |
Milner | Greg | Greg Milner |
Mina | Ehab | |
Minnis | Peggy | Pace University |
Minotti | Jane | NYS Library |
Mir | Sahal | WSSC |
Misshula | Evan | RF CUNY |
Mistry | Himanshu | NYU |
Mitra | Sayantani | NYU |
Miura | Yuki | Columbia University |
Mix | Wende | SUNY Buffalo State College |
Moe | Thin Myat Myat | Thin Myat Myat Moe |
Moffett | Mia | Hunter College |
Mogavero | Philip | |
Mogavero | Jenny | Prospect Hill |
Mogos | Senai | Student |
Mohan | Palaniappan | Technische Universität Berlin |
Moknatian | Mahrokh | The City College of New York |
Molinaro | Allie | The New School |
Mollick | Taposh | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) |
Mollod | Gillian | OSI |
Molnar | Andreas | N/a |
Monaco | Sam | Binghamton University – Alumni |
Monell | John | GHD |
Money | Travis | Tectonice Engineering |
Monge | Samantha | Onondaga Crime Analysis Center |
Mongon | Stephanie | CARTO |
Monica | Patrick | Onondaga Crime Analysis Center |
Monplaisir | Andy | NYC Dept. of Finance |
Monroe | Michael | Volunteering |
Montague | Kelly | The Intelligence Group, LLC |
Montano | Jennifer | |
Monteleone | Nicole | Hunter College |
Montgomery | Jason | CUNY |
Montoya | Maria | USA Seo Company |
Montoya | Lina | Lehman College |
Montz | Eric | Accenture |
Moore | Michelle | The CEDRA Corporation |
Moore | Brennan | Brennan Moore |
Moore | Emily | PennState World Campus |
Moran | Thomas | Dewberry |
Moreira | Morgan | Fordham University |
Moreno | Mayelly | NYU Wagner School of Public Service |
Morgan | Daren | LaFave White & McGivern LS PC |
Morgan | Alyssa | Fredonia |
Morgan | Andrew | The New School |
Morgan | Mike | Retired |
Morgan | Jacob | Buffalo State College |
Moriarty | Elizabeth | Ward Carpenter Engineers Inc. |
Morrell | James | Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority |
Morris | Dale | Erie County GIS Office |
Morris | Christopher | CHA |
Morris | Hannah | SUNY Fredonia |
Morris | Ann | Lehman College |
Morris | Susan | AECOM |
Morris | Parker | Capital Region Transportation Council |
Morris | Jeff | Town of Tonawanda |
Morris | Jeff | Town of Tonawanda |
Morrison | Douglas | |
morrison | kevin | Westchester County Dept of Health |
Morrissey | Chris | City of Ithaca |
Morrone | Samantha | NYSDOT |
Morse | Kimberly | KJM Drafting & Design |
Morse | Steve | Bergmann Associates |
Mort | Kenneth | NYS Office of Mental Health |
Morton | Robert | Prafix LLC |
Mosall | Leah | State of New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority |
moschella | m | hwgas |
Mosenthin | Abigail | Otsego County Department of Health |
Moser | Katharine | SUNY Albaby |
MOSES | AUDRA | RA Moses Properties |
Movva | Grahith | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Mowrey | Lauren | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Moy | Grant | Eagleview Technologies |
Mozer | Robert | Mozer Science Academy |
Mudd | James | Scenic Hudson |
Mueller | Edward | Central New York Regional Transportation Authority |
Muleme Kasumba | Susan | Barr GeoSpatial Solutions, LLC |
Mullen | Katie | Macaulay Honors College at CUNY John Jay |
Mullenix | Ann | Delhi Telephone Company |
Mulligan | M.p. | USGS |
Mumbrue | Tasha | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Great Lakes Program |
Munoz | Daniel | Orange County GIS |
Murack | Jennie | MIT |
Murphy | Christine | |
Murphy | Amanda | NY Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery |
Murphy | Jenn | General Code |
Murphy | Cameron | CPL |
Murray | Jamie | Kent State University |
Musa | George | Columbia University |
Muska | Robert | Hunter College |
Musunuru | Anusha | University of Utah |
Mwaura | Daniel | Technische Universität Berlin |
Myangaa | Erdenetsetseg | Free lancer |
Myers | Joseph | |
Myers | George | Consultant – AECOM – Archaeology |
Myers | Thomas | |
Myers | Sean | NBT Solutions LLC |
myint | aungkyaw | surveyor |
myint | winthet | Geography |
Naadzenga | Aperr | Antioch University New England |
Nachtigal | Owen | Greene County |
Nagell | Austin | VHB |
Nagy | Dylan | University at Albany |
Najjar | Daniel | Hunter College |
Nalewajk | Rob | Greenman – Pedersen, Inc. |
Namwamba | John Bosco | Southern University SUBR |
Nandula | Srisubrahmanya | New York City Department of Parks & Recreation |
Naphtali | Zvia | Resource Mobilization Inc. |
Naphtali | Leonard | Resource Mobilization Inc. |
Nash | Dorothy/Dore | NYC Emergency Mgmt/retired |
Naughton | Michael | Retired |
Nazarian | Adam | Stony Brook University |
Neal | James | Kensico Cemetery |
Needham | Charles | Student |
Needle | Jake | … |
Neely | Sean | C&S Companies |
Neet | Richard | Foit-Albert Associates |
Neff | Vanessa | N/A |
Negri | Riccardo | NYU |
Negron | Wilneida | City University of New York – Graduate Center |
Negron | Ciara | Hofstra University |
Neidig | Craig | U.S. Geological Survey |
Nelson | Todd | NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) |
Nelson | David | Town of Matthews |
Nemeyer | Joshua | SUNY Poly |
Neratko | Steve | City of Dunkirk |
ness | kyle | none |
Netto | Gustavo | GE Capital |
Neulight | Adam | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Neumann | Alex | EnviroManagement |
Newell | Rebecca | Department of State |
Newell | Jared | CDM Smith |
Newhall | Becca | NYS Department of State |
Newman | Eric | Waypoint Technology Group |
Newman | Amanda | SUNY University at Buffalo |
Newman | Lauren | Vermont Association of Conservation Districts |
Newsome | Terrence | Data Wranglers |
Ng | Sunny | US Forest Service |
Ngo Duc | Mau | Saitama University |
Nguyen | Jessica | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Nichter | David | ATSI Inc. |
Nicklin | Andrew | NYS Executive Chamber |
Nicklin | Cynthia | Vizalytics |
Nickola | Chris | ESRI |
Nickols | Jay | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Nieradka | Steve | CHA |
Nies | Alex | City of Rochester Emergency Communications |
Nimmathi | dinesh | National Grid |
Nixson | Susan | City of Ithaca |
Njoku | Kingsley | Lehman College |
Nolan | Elizabeth | NYS ITS FRG |
Noman | Muhammad | Student |
Nordman | Erik | SUNY ESF |
Norton | Sheri | Ontario County |
Norton | Jesse | NA |
nourddin | Quoulali | men |
Nouza | Dave | |
Noviasky | Andrew | Paul Smith’s College |
Noyes | Karen | Oswego County Community Development, Tourism & Planning |
Nyelele | Charity | State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
Nze | Obioma | New York State Department of Transportation |
O'Rourke | Jason | Keystone Precision Instruments |
O’Brien | Daniel | NYS SEMO |
O’Brien | Julia | FEMA Region II |
O’Brien | Brittany | University at Buffalo |
O’Callaghan | Hannah | Burns & McDonnell |
O’Conner | Kisten | Pictometry International Corp. |
O’Connor | Christopher | New York State Office of Information Technology Services |
O’Donnell | Peter | N/A |
O’har | Lucrecia | Esri |
O’Hara | James (J.R.) | Colliers Engineering and Design |
O’Neil | Thomas | |
O’Neil | Samantha | NY State GPO |
O’Neil | Eamonn | NYs DOH Center for Environmental Health |
O’Neil | Timothy | O’Neil GIS |
O’Sullivan | Katie | University at Albany, SUNY |
O’Connor | Collin | New York State Department of Health |
Obeid | Hadeel | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Oberle | Patrick | Syracuse University |
Oddi | Joe | Pictometry International |
Oddo | Robert | |
Odell-Hamilton | Kathryn | Suffolk County Community College |
Oduwole | Ayodele | The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro |
Oettinger | Ellen | |
Ogheneochuko | Olemu | GIS for Africa |
Ogle | Benjamin | SUNY Empire State College |
Ohara | Marisa | Lehman College |
ojeda | carolina | universidad de valparaiso |
OJHA | BONNEY | Numeroeins Software Private Limited |
Okonkwo-Barzey | Kosisochukwu | Hunter |
olevano | christina | Tioga COunty |
Oliksowycz | John | Retired |
Olimpio | Julio | Esri |
Olivares | Miriam | Yale University |
Oliver | David | Hunter College |
Olsen | William | Clarkson University |
Olsen | Bill | Clarkson University |
Olsen | Benjamin | Stantec |
Olson | John | Syracuse University |
Olson | Samuel | Erie County Div. of Sewerage Management |
Oltramari | Felipe | Genesee County Dept. of Planning |
OMalley | Jack | Pratt |
Omecinsky | Alexandra | SUNY Fredonia |
ONeill (Weinsaft) | Kara | LKMA |
Onish | Dina | Vassar College |
Opinaldo | Sara Gail | Lehman College |
Opitz | Rachel | Open Geospatial Consortium |
Orabona | Michael | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Oravetz | Collin | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Oreshkina | Darya | self |
Ortega Alvarez | Silvia | Silvia Ortega |
Ortego | Andrew | |
Ortiz | Francia | |
Orvek | Sharon | James W. Sewall Company |
Osborne | Derek | Paul Smith’s College |
Osei | Samuel Kwesi | Student, Postgraduate,School of Forest Science |
Oshan | Taylor | CUNY Hunter College |
Oskam | Sharon | |
Osmon | Paul | Buffalo State Geography |
Ostergaard | Kurt | |
Ostrander | Bill | Chemung Valley Audubon Society |
Ostrander Allen | Lindsay | Delaware Engineering, DPC |
ostroff | gary | CH2M Hill |
Ostrum | Leif | Tug Hill Commission |
Oswald | Bruce | Oswald Associates |
Owen | Arlene | Putnam County |
Owen | Matthew | City of Watertown |
Owens | Debbie | Onondaga County Water Authority |
Owusu | Christian Kwesi | Earth Observation Research and Innovation Centre |
Ozukum | Supong | University at Buffalo |
Paccione | Joseph | Lehman College CUNY MS-GISc graduate |
Pachacz | Gregory | The New School |
Paez | Jojo | CMX |
Page | Robert | Aquarion Water Company |
Pahlavan | Dominique | MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs |
Pal | Chandrima | NYC DOT |
Palmer | Matt | Ravi |
Palmer | Lisa | Hunter College |
Palmer | Scott | City of Saratoga Springs, NY |
Palmiotti | Hewi | NYS ITS |
Panangati | Madana mohan | Infosys Limited |
Panaro | Frank | The Wild Center |
Pandyat | Saritha | Earth Economics |
Pankin | Artem | Hunter College |
Panzeca | Caterina | SUNY Maritime College |
Paparo | Kelly | devine tarbell and associates |
Parakh | Seema | |
Parco | Bill | Orange County GIS |
Pardo | Theresa | |
Pardo | Manuel | UAlbany |
Paris | Jeremy | Agricultural Consulting Services, Inc. |
Parisi | Tom | Hofstra University |
Parker | Deborah | Westchester County |
Parker | Susan | NYS Adirondack Park Agency |
Parks | Sarah | Amala Consulting |
Parmerter | Betsy | Tidal Basin |
Partridge | Cassandra | State University of New york at Fredonia |
paruchuri | Sneha | |
Pasqualeti | John | |
Passer | Rachel | McFarland Johnson |
Paternostro | Skyler | Town of Tonawanda |
Paterson | Andrew | N/A |
Patil | Anuj | Clarkson university |
Paton | Christina | Columbia University |
Patrick | Lesley | City University of New York |
Patrick | Meagan | New York City Housing Authority |
Patrouch | Christopher | CPIDMS/Pink Polygon |
Paul | Elizabeth | Town of Mamaroneck |
Paul | Yvonne | Bak USA |
Paul Marsala | proxydomfree | proxydomfree |
Paulino | Sydney | SUNY Fredonia |
Pawlusik | Matthew | County Planning |
Paz | Martin | SUNY at Buffalo |
Paz | Clarissa | Esri |
Pearson | John | Children’s Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School |
Pearson | Theodore | NYC Department of Education |
Pecak | Garry | |
Peck | Jacob | GeoAge |
Peeters | Hans | Tioga County Health Dept |
Pelech | Lori | n/a |
Pellerin | Jessie | SUNY Albany |
Pellnat | Marissa | Student |
Pena | Bryan | Transdev |
Pence | Erin | Genesee County Department of Planning |
Penella | Isabel | Albany County Real Property Tax Service Agency |
Penharlow | Robert | Town of Dunkirk |
Pennock | Kenneth | |
Pentyala | Vineela | Matrix New World |
Percey | Ashley | Cornell University Police |
Percivall | George | GeoRoundtable |
Perella | Coleman | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Perez | Rosa | Dept. of Design and Construction |
Perez | Milton | Hunter College |
Perez Asitimbay | Milton Raul | Hunter College |
Perrelli | Mary | Buffalo State |
Perry | Michael | Elmira-Chemung Transportation Council |
Perry | Christopher | UDC LLC |
Perry | Nicholas | Perry Strategies |
Pesesky | Christopher | Williams Companys, LLC |
Pessar | Yasmine | Student |
Pestone | Edward | Mohonk Preserve |
Peters | Cedar | n/a |
Petersen | Colby | Yates County Soil and Water Conservation District |
Petit | Jessie | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Petkevichus | Stas | NYS DOT |
Petterson | David | Pictometry International Corp |
Pfeffer | Areerat | CUNY, Lehman College |
Pfotenhauer | Jason | St. Lawrence County Planning Office |
Phansalkar | Radhika | Pratt Institute |
Phillippi | Bradley | Hofstra University |
Phillips | Michael | Columbia University |
Phipps | Stephen | Plattsburgh State University of NY |
Phoo | Shwe Yi Phoo | SUNY-ESF |
Pianella | Joe | |
Pianella | Joseph | Tyler Technologies |
Pianka | Michael | MJ Engineering and Land Surveying |
Picard | Evan | |
Pichardo | Alisha | Valley Stream North Highschool |
Piedra | Yanitza | Lehman College |
Pieper | Fred | Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) |
Pierce | Brett | NYARNG-CSSAMO |
Pierce | Heather | Monroe Community College |
Pierre | Solomon | Hunter College |
Pietra | Chuck | C&S Companies |
Pietrus | Matthew | My Block My Hood My City |
Pilnick | Evan | Gayron de Bruin Land Surveying & Engineering, PC |
Pinchoff | Jessie | Johns Hopkins University |
Pinnepalli | SaiKumar | IIC Technologies Inc |
Pinto | Michael | |
Pionteck | Nicole | Ausable River Association |
Piqueiras | Eduardo | Wayne State University |
Pirschel | Erich | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Pito | Vincent | US Census Bureau |
Pittman | Kyle | Pilot Fiber |
Piwinski | Dana | Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) |
Png | Kok Meng | Rockland County |
Podwoski | Joshua | Industrielle Corporation |
Pogostin | Alana | Esri |
Pokrzywka | Dennis | NYS DEC |
Polanco | Helen | CUNY Hunter College |
Polansky | Chris | Hunter College |
Poles | Kevin | University of Connecticut |
Politano | Wendy | Con Edison |
Pollackov | Steven | Fire Department City of New York (Retired) |
Pollock | David | Jewish Community Relations Council |
Polzella | Steve | Town of Big Flats |
Pomi | Lara | |
poncyliusz | ewa | brooklyn college |
Pongsema | Krirk | CUNY Hunter |
Pontikos | Asher | University at Buffalo |
Poppe | Michael | N/A |
Portanova | Alan | City of Yonkers |
Porter | Kevin | Cayuga Community College |
Porter-Morgan | Holly | |
Pottinger | Danielle | SUNY Binghamton |
Poudel | Abishek | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
Poulsen | Erika | NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene |
Powers | William | none |
Pozhidaev | Timur | Hunter College |
Praeger | Michael | New York State GIS Program Office |
Prentice | Adelina | DroneSeed |
Prentiss | Glenda | Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments |
Preston | Andrew | SUNY University at Albany |
Prickett | Kevin | Adirondack Park Agency |
Prieto | Alejandro | St. John’s University |
Prime | Jeff | NYS ORPS Forestry Unit |
Primeau | Kris | NYS DPS/ORES |
Pritchard | Thomas A. | Otsego County Planning Board |
Prizzia | Jeffrey | Pace University |
Proe | Joseph | Canandaigua |
Prosalik | Michael | |
Protopapas | Delphine | Brooklyn Technical High School |
pruekpanasan | kanoknan | NYIT |
Przepasniak | Justin | New York State Department of Transportation |
Przybycien | Carolyn | SUNY Geneseo |
Ptak | Carter | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Puckett | James | Louis Berger Group |
Pueschel | Lisanne | Marron Institute |
Puhalla | Janet | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Pulver | Megan | Way2Go |
Purucker | Adam | Hunter College |
Putnam | Alexandra | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Putnam | Tyler | EagleView |
Puzzolo | Christina | The New School |
Qazi | Hassaan | Winick Realty Group |
Qi | Yi | University of Utah |
Quackenbush | Jeff | Herkimer-Oneida Counties Comprehensive Planning Program |
Quackenbush | Lindi | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
Quayson | Nana | City University of New York |
Queen | Katherine | SUNY ESF |
Queenie | Dominique | CUNY NYC College of Technology |
Quezada | Carlos | Newmark Grubb Knight Frank |
Quinn | Buffy | SUNY Onondaga Community College |
Quirey | Matthew | |
Quodomine | Richard | – |
Rabare | Josey | Pennsylvania State University |
Rabiee | Alireza | STV Inc. |
Radicello | Rachel | GZA GeoEnvironmental |
Rado | Chris | NYC Dept. of Info Tech and Telecomm |
Radzyminski | Stephen | |
RAFI | RAFSANJANI | TU Clausthal |
Rahman | Mohammed | Department of Education, The city of New york |
Rahman | Sunera | Pace University |
Rahn | Nicole | Otsego County Planning & Solid Waste |
Rai | Arjita | NYSDOH |
Rajaballey | Jocelyn | Lehman College |
Rajasekhar | Samuel | EDR |
Rajasurendran | Nadesu | Gulf Coast Water Authority |
Ramage | Laura | Intergraph |
Ramani | Shraddha | Museum of the City of New York |
Ramasubramanian | Sundareswaran | Hult International Business School |
Ramasubramanian | Laxmi | Hunter College CUNY |
ramisetti | narendra | student |
Ramola | Mukta | ICPH |
Ramos | Latoya | Columbia University |
Randall | Wayne | C&S Engineers, Inc. |
Randolph | Morgan | SAFRAN (Orolia USA) |
Ranheim | Beau | NYC Dept of Environmental Protection |
Rapp | Jayme | Arcadis-US, Inc |
Raqueno | Nina | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rashty | Matthew | N/A |
Rasolondrainy | Tanambelo | Yale University |
Rath | Randy | Lake George Association, Inc. |
Ray | Marianne | Tufts University |
Reagan | Gabrielle | Syracuse University |
Reckhaus | Lucas | Stellar Services |
Redd | James | Arizona State University |
Reddy | Jim | USGS (NY Water Science Center) |
Redling | Greg | Paul Smith’s College |
Reece | Allen | Town of Plattsburgh |
Reed | Patricia | Westchester Intelligence Center – WCDA |
Reel | Dawn | none |
Reeves | Paris | George Westinghouse High School |
Regalado | Sean | Paul Smith’s College |
Rehman | Sundas | SUNY College of environmental Science & Forestry |
Reichert | Ed | Onondaga County Department of Transportation |
Reichert | Richard | Oneida County |
Reid | Logan | O’Brien & Gere |
Reid | Kenneth | Personal |
Reil | Evan | AES Northeast |
Reilly | Ginny | individual |
Reilly | Colin | NYC Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice |
Reimers | Jim | JDR_Land |
Reinhardt | Emily | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Reinson | Kyle | UB Geography Student |
Rennalls | Jodiann | Penn state |
Revelo | Claudio | NYSDOT |
Rew | Oliver | temple |
Reynolds | Sonya | NY Civic Engagement Table |
Reynolds | Kimberly | SUNY Fredonia |
Reynolds | Lucian | Harlem Community Development Corp |
Reynolds | Jason Reynolds | Environmental Design and Research |
Reznicek | Levi | Hunter College |
Rhodes-Bratton | Brennan | Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health |
riad | boubenia | high school of maritime sciences |
Rich | Frank | Empire State Development |
Richards | Kevin | NYC |
Richardson | David | The Nature Conservancy |
Richardson | Kelly | NYS Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery |
Richter | Wayne | DEC |
Richter | Gene | Hunter College |
Ricks | Milton | MNR Associates |
Riehl | Marcus | |
Riekert | Robert | Red Hawk Mapping |
Rienti | Michael | University at Buffalo |
Rienzo | Angela | Hofstra University |
Riese | Brigette | TitleVest |
Rigolino | Devin | County of Dutchess |
Riley | Nechari | Lehman College |
Riley-Jacome | Mary | NY.NJ PERLC |
Rios | Fernando | University at Buffalo |
Rivas | Freddy Willmer | UAH |
Rivers | Paul | CUNY Hunter |
Rizzo | Robert | NYS Dept. of Transportation (DOT) |
Rizzo | Roberrt | Office of Information Technology Services |
Roach | Larry | Steuben County Real Property Tax |
Robb | Black | Hunter College |
Robbins | Adam | student |
Robbins | Curtis | The John R. Oishei Foundation |
Robbins | Matt | Niagara Falls Police Department |
Robbins | Julia | NYC Department of Records and Information Services |
Robbins (Oishei Foundation) | Curtis | The John R Oishei Foundation |
Robert Gessmann | imagereadyme | imagereadyme |
Roberts | Alice | Lehman College, City University Of New York |
Roberts | Chris | Hunter College |
Roberts | Susan | null |
ROBERTSON | JENNIFER | Town of Hamburg |
Robertson | Joshua | LaBella Associates |
RobertTekPA | RobertTek | RobertTek |
Robin | Taylor | US Census Bureau |
Robinson | Jonnell | Syracuse University, Syracuse Community Geography |
Robinson | Eric | Pitney Bowes |
Robinson | James | TRC Engineers, Inc. |
Robinson | Caroline | Vassar College |
Robinson | Kazon | NYU |
robson | Meredith | hunter college |
Roche | Risleigh | MVCC |
Rockwell | Stephanie | NYS Canals Corp. |
Rockwood | Linda | Mohawk Valley GIS |
Rodems | Sarah | SUNY Fredonia |
Rodrigues | Juliana | UFSM |
Rodrigues | Bianca | End Point Corporation |
Rodriguez | Maria | Lehman College |
Rodriguez | Adiel | Hunter College |
Rogers | Daniel | CUNY Graduate Center |
Rogers | Jessica | SUNY Potsdam |
Rogler | Scott | NYS Enterprise Information Security Office |
Rojas | Vanessa | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry – The Ranger School |
Roloson | Trenton | Passero Associates |
Roma | Mauricio | NYS Office of the Attorney General |
Romalewski | Steven | CUNY graduate center |
Romanelli | A.J. | GIS Solutions, Inc. |
Romano | Maddalena | NYC Department of Transportation |
Rompala | Nicholas | Oicle Land Surveying |
Rooney | Pat | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Rooney | Paul | ESRI |
Rooney | Pat | Pat Rooney LLC |
Rooney | Shawn | Town of Greece |
Rosacker | Jacob | Central Park Conservancy |
Rosario-Pichardo | Albert | Bard College |
Rose | Cheryl | |
Rose | Alyssa | SUNY Purchase |
Rosen | Jeremy | Skidmore College |
Rosenzweig | Bernice | City University of New York |
Ross | Michael | City of Rochester |
Rotbert | Joshua | Bard College |
Rothweiler | Kayci | Hunter College |
Roussie | Sue | Praxair |
Rowe | Chad | Hunt-EAS |
Roworth | Edwin | Critigen |
Roy | Bamesh | Real Property Service Agency, Suffolk County Government |
Roy | Hridiza | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Royall | Warren | Verisk |
Rozanova | Anya | CDTA |
Rozengota | Melissa | |
Rozwod | Benjamin | EDRDPC |
Rubino | John | Job seeker |
Rubongoya | Edward | Student |
Ruckdeschel | Maxwell | University at Buffalo |
Rudolph | Marley | SUNY Fredonia |
Rudroju | Meghana | ualbany |
Rueger | Jeffrey | |
Ruffino | Michael | Erie County Division GIS – Sewerage |
Ruhren | Tim | NYS ITS – Geospatial Services |
Ruiz de la Pena | Andreas | GIS |
Runner | Jacob | Environmental Design and Research D.P.C. |
Rupert | Dan | HCS |
Rusko | Monica | Dutchess Counnty |
Russell | James | Erie County Dept. of Environment & Planning, Division of Sewerage Management |
Russell | Wayne | Paul Smith’s College |
Russell | Katie | The Horticultural Society of NY |
Russell Jr. | Steven | Erie County |
Rutberg | Karen | Karen Rutberg |
Ruzvidzo | Tinashe | Zimbabwe Geoinformatics Organization |
Ryan | Matthew | |
Ryan | Sean | Novara Geosolutions |
Ryan | Colin | Binghamton University |
Rylander | Gus | self |
Rynish | Michael | New York State Department of Transportation |
saadatmand | seyed saeid | University at Buffalo |
Sabellico | Jim | Town of Oyster Bay |
Saccomano | Mark | Columbia University |
Saez | Orlando | City Scan |
Safari | Morteza | stony brook university |
Sahajpal | Rahul | Hunter College |
Saini | AB | Maptext Inc |
Sakib | Maruf | Old Dominion University |
Salafrio | Kristy | NYSDEC |
Salama | Ahmed | faculty of arts |
Saliani | Michael | NYS Office of General Services Design & Construction |
Sallas | Mary Ann | John Jay College |
Salmons | Steven | Onondaga County 911 Communication Center |
Salo | Warren | Development Authority of the North Country |
Salomón | Coral | Pratt Institute |
Salomon | Debra Salomon | City Tech Continuing Studies Center |
Salomon | Debra | City Tech Continuing Studies Center |
Sambandhan | Vijay | FM Global |
Sambandhan | VijayTest | Test |
Samek | James | Fountains Spatial, Inc. |
Sanchez | Juan | LEHMAN COLLEGE |
Sanchez Lopez | Felipe | University at Buffalo |
Sands | Eli | Student at CCNY school of Architecture |
Sands | Cameron | University of Florida |
Sandy | Akil | CUNY Hunter |
Sanford | Joshua | CHA Consulting, Inc. |
Sansole | Chipo | Vale Zambia Limited |
Santangelo | Thomas | P.W. Grosser Consulting |
Santora | Alexandra | City of Buffalo |
Sapeta | Krysia | Sanborn Map Company |
Sarawat | Nazifa | Tufts |
Sasaki | Shiori | Esri |
Sasso | John | US Light Energy |
satapathy | rishavnath | erttech |
Sathiyamoorthy | Ashok | Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) |
Satorie | Hannah | Woolworths |
Saucci | William | State University of New York at Plattsburgh |
Saunders | Grant | Nussbaumer & Clarke, Inc. |
Saunders | Patrick | UB – STUDENT |
Savage | Lerone | Hunter College |
Savash-Acuna | Rosario | SUNY Geneseo |
Sayers | Robert | NYS DEC |
Sayin | Banu | Solvotek International |
SAYIN | Bora | Solvotek International LLC |
Sazawal | Shravan | GovPilot |
Sbarbaro | Catherine | Chester County Planning Commission |
Scaff | Rosalyn | Hunter College |
Scalzo | Traci | |
Scardamalia | Robert | RLS Demographics, inc. |
Scarlett | Keri-Dean | Lehman College |
Schaefer | Mike | City of Glens Falls |
Schafer | Marilyn | * |
Schatz | Hayley | Nelson and Pope Engineers and Surveyors |
Scheiner | Chris | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Schell | Chris | Citigroup |
Schell | Sarah | City of New York |
Schell | Jonathan | Development Authority Of The North Country |
Scherf | David | Ulster County EMC |
Schermerhorn | Candace | NYSDEC |
Schifferli | Michael | NYS Office for Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation |
Schiller | Corey | student |
Schissler | Ralph | Schissler Land Surveying |
Schlanger | Jessica | Department of transportation |
Schlott | Kate | Pace University |
Schmahl | William | Marion County Fire Rescue |
Schmid | John | NYS ITS – Health Cluster |
Schmid | Stephanie | |
Schmidt | Jonathan | B. Thayer Associates |
Schmidt | Jolynn | Penn State |
Schmit | Kathryn | New York State Department of Health |
Schmitt | Max | Pratt Institute |
Schmutter | Bruce | |
Schnaufer | Timothy | Salamanca City Central School District |
Schneck | louis | Raytheon |
Schneider | Brendan | Brandeis University |
Schneider | Jakob | The Graduate Center, CUNY |
Schoenbart | Alex | NYS DEC |
Schoenhaus | Steve | NYS Office of Information Technology Services |
Schoenthal | Carl | Pictometry International |
Schrager | Samuel | None |
Schrantz | Brian | |
Schryer | Sharla | New York Power Authority |
Schuetz | Douglas | County of Rockland, Department of Planning |
Schulmeister | Willard | Willard Schulmeister |
Schulmeister | Will | EagleHawk |
Schultz | Stephen | |
Schultz | Kevin | Ontario County – Planning Dept. |
SCHULTZ | ROBERT | Self Employeed |
Schumacher | Alessandria | Middlebury College |
Schwarz | Ian | NYSDAM |
Schwedhelm | Alejandro | CityApps |
Schweigel | Tayler | University at Buffalo |
Schwenker | Anne | DOE OPT |
Scime’-Stickles | Leia | Onondaga Crime Analysis Center |
Scott | Chris | Stony Brook University |
Scott | Mark | Esri |
Scott | Jason | Town of South Windsor, CT |
Scott | Weston | Not currently with an organization |
Scrivener | Erik | Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Seader | Preston | SUNY Geneseo |
Sealy | Jason | Esri, Inc. |
Sears | Thomas | Me |
Seastead | Mark | GHD |
Sebastiao Azevedo | jatojatoplub | jatojatoplub |
Secor | Christopher | C.T. Male Associates |
Sedia | Connor | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Segar | Linda | James W Sewall Company |
sehra | sukhjit singh | Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana |
Seidl | Dara | |
Seifert | Ben | Lu Engineers. |
Seirup | Lynn | NYC Office of Emergency Management |
Sekhobo | Jackson | New York State Department of Health |
Selig | Michael | Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Planning |
Selman | Matthew | Hunter College |
Selwood | Duncan | Latitude Geographics Group |
semple | lara | Lincoln University |
Sengenberger | Timothy | None |
Seo | Michael | Hunter College |
Seo | Dong Soo Michael | Cornell University |
Servello | Matthew | University of Maryland: College Park |
Sevenish | Samantha | NTS Data Services |
seymour | maureen | City of Oneonta |
Seyni | Ibrahim | Lehman College |
SG | Akhil | The New School |
Shaarbaf | Ammar | None |
Shackman | Gene | NYD Dept of Health |
Shah | Zakkiyyah | Lehman College |
Shah | Binod | NYS Office of Information Technology Services |
shah | Dhwani | university at Buffalo |
Shakya | Rabin | NYSDOT |
Shamoon | David | Columbia University SPS |
Shang | Kun | CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation) |
Shanley | Lea | Woodrow Wilson Center |
Shapiro | Marcia | |
Shapiro | Will | Topos |
Sharafeddin | Azin | GIS Corps – URISA |
sharma | Pankaj | jammu nuiversity |
Sharma | Dev | New York Institute of Technology |
Sharma | Swati | New York University |
Sharp | Mary M | N2GIS, Inc |
Shavez | Kashif | A-Z Gis Inc |
Shaw-Amoah | Anna | Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness |
Shea | Robert | |
Shea | James | Keene State College |
Shea | Patrick | Mountain LTD. |
Sheehan | Luke | Hunter College |
Shen | Liang | University at Albany |
Shengelia | Sofia | Hunter college |
Shepard | Abrom | FEMA |
Sherif | Samy | La Sapienza of Rome |
Sherin | John M. | L.I. Learning Systems Institute Inc. |
Sherman | Phil | Collier County Government |
SHERPA | Shaky | Columbia University |
Sherwood | Scott | Pictometry International Corp. |
Shibley | Scott | Unknown |
Shibuta | Maki | Transperfect |
Shifflett | Marc | Mashcode |
Shiland | Ian | NJ Highlands Council |
Shillenn | Michael | Photo Science |
shimada | chisato | NYC Parks |
Shoemaker | Amanda | None |
Shrestha | Prashant | Hexa international |
Shrestha | Shradha | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Shtab | Danielle | Columbia University |
Shudt | Derek | Ground Aerial |
Shumon | Brian | FEMA Region 2 Risk Analysis Branch |
Shyer | Margaret | NYS DOT |
Shyer | Eric | NYS DEC |
Si | Jiamin | University of Michigan |
Sidi El Moctar | Cheikh | Rim Exploration Consult |
Siegel | Rebecca | Natural Areas Conservancy |
Sieunarine | Antonio | Hunter College |
Signell | Steve | SUNY-ESF Adirondack Ecological Center |
Sikk | Liliana | IBK Construction |
Silavisesrith | Warit | WSP USA |
Silleman | Kendra | SUNY Fredonia |
Silver | Colleen | Veolia North America |
Silverman | Zachary | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Silverman | Daniel | City of Yonkers |
Simek | Zachary | The Nature Conservancy |
Simic | Elena | SUNY Geneseo |
Simmons | Brady | NYC Parks and Rec |
Simon Goldsmith | TrustLog | TrustLog |
Simpson | Robert | US EPA Region 2 IRMB-IMS-GIS |
Simpson | Samantha | Hunter College |
Sinclair | Beryl | Pratt Institute |
Sing | Samantha | Hunter College |
Singer-Leavitt | Zach | Unknown |
Singh | Sharima | CUNY |
Singh | Jeremy | Hunter College |
Singh | Anurudh | NYS Information Technology Services |
Singh | Jeremy | T&M Associates |
Sinsabaugh | Kate | Arcadis, Inc. |
Sinton | Diana | Cornell University |
Siskind | Jon | Bowen Management Systems |
Sisskind | Josh | Maxar |
sivagnanam | sivageini | NYPD |
Skowron | Amanda | Buffalo State |
Sloane | Matthew | Matrix New World Engineering |
Slootskin | Zhennya | Going Coastal, Inc. |
Small | Tim | GISInc |
Smart | Anika-Aduesa | NICE Bus |
Smelt | Christopher | Day Environmental, Inc. |
Smigielski | Elysa | SUNY ESF |
Smith | Martyn | USGS |
Smith | Kimberly | GBNRTC |
Smith | Lorre | University at Albany |
Smith | Gary | Green Mountain GeoGraphics, Ltd. |
Smith | Jenny | fountain spatial |
Smith | Nicola | |
Smith | Steve | Oswego County Office of Real Property |
Smith | A | City of Ogdensburg |
Smith | Thomas D. | NYS DHSES OCS |
Smith | Grace | EPA |
Smith | William | Town of Floyd |
Smith | Nathaniel | N/A |
Smith | Stephen | Cornell Institute for Resouce Information Sciences |
Smith | Aileen Gemma | Vizalytics Technology (Mind My Business) |
Smith | Chris | Vizalytics Technology, Inc. |
Smith | Rebecca | Ecology and Environment |
Smith | Garrett | Aerial Inventory |
Smith | David | CDM Smith |
Smith | Caleb | Cornell University |
Smith | Zachary | Salem State U |
Smith | Liam | Student at Middlebury College |
Smith | Christine | VHB |
Smith | Ian | Central Hudson Gas and Electric |
Smith | Margaret | John Jay College / CUNY |
Smyth | Araby | None |
Snow | Elizabeth | Onondaga County Water Authority |
Snyder | Christopher | SUNY Fredonia |
Sobel | Caryn | Sobel Writing Services |
Sobrino | Juan-Carlos | Ther |
Soe | Nyeinchan | UCSY |
soe | ei ei | Department of rural development |
Sokol | Jonathan | Stonybrook University |
Solly | Rachel | Erie County |
Solo | Matthew | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Solow | Daniel | NYC Department of City Planning |
Soorenian | Lia | Columbia |
Soriano | Ben | NYC City Planning |
Soriano | Jose | FIGA |
Soriano | Vincent | NYCDEP |
Soroko | Jonathan | |
Southard | Craig | City of Elmira |
Spagnoli | Christopher | Hunter College |
Spencer | Evan | Admar Positioning Solutions |
Spinella | Charlie | CLA Site |
Spivack | Anton | Hunter College |
Spraker | Larry | VHB |
Sta. Ines | Jennifer | NYCDOT |
Staff | Zach | McFarland Johnson |
Stainbrook | Karen | Watershed Assessment Associates |
Stanley | Gregory | University of Arizona |
Stanton | Stacy | Village of Churchville |
Stanton | Scott | Ramboll |
Staples | Michael | City of Rochester NY |
Stapleton | Randy | Stantec |
Starr | Matt | Vertex Geospatial Inc |
Stec | Joanna | CDM SMITH |
Steele | Mark | Steele Consulting |
Steffan | Phil | Private Consult |
Stein | Jared | Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. |
Stein | Justin | Stratus Consulting |
Steinbach | Justin | Clark Patterson Lee |
Steinberg | Matthew | Divney Tung Schwalbe, LLP |
Steinberg | Robyn | Town of Yorktown |
Stephan-Cole | Justine | I. & S. Inc. of N.Y. |
Sterbentz | John | Binghamton Metropolitan Transportation Study |
Stern | David | Nassau Community College |
stern | Pini | NAN |
Sternbach | Talia | NYS Department of Health |
Stevens | Judy | NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) |
Stewart | John | Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District |
Stewart | Shelley | |
Stewart | Camille | Hunter College CUNY |
Stewart | Michael | Hunter |
Stimson | Gil | Techna-Graphics, Inc.. |
Stiteler | William | Arcadis |
Stockslader | Jay | University at Buffalo / CAS |
Stodden | Lexie | Purchase College |
Stoker | Andrew | Brockport Hill School |
Stone | Jennifer | Sullivan County, NY |
Stopyra | Thomas | Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) |
Storelli | John | J.W. Sewall Company |
Storey | Nathan | Student |
Storino | Adam | Storino Geomatics, Land Surveying Services & Consulting, PLLC |
Storti | Barbara | |
Storti | Mark | Schenectady County |
Stotsky | Eric | Tyler Technologies |
Stotz | Ryan | GHD Advisory |
Stoughton | Nick | GIS Services |
Stratton | Brad | The Nature Conservancy |
Streamer | Jake | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Stripp | Francis | Mohawk Valley GIS |
Stripp | Ellie | Wight & Patterson, Inc. |
Strode | Georgianna | Florida State University |
Strong | Jared | N/A |
Stroth | Tim | Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. |
Strother | Constance | University at Buffalo |
Strozyk | Jessica | SUNY Fredonia |
Strunk | Nica | Nica B. Strunk, Attorney at Law |
Stryker | Michael | The Nature Conservancy |
Stuart | Jill | NCDOH |
Stuber | Todd | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Stuto | Sam | Personal |
Suarez | Bert | NTT DATA, Inc. |
Subekti | Rulli | KAROMAP |
Suhr | Lindsay | Connecticut Forest & Park Association |
Sullivan | Cory | |
Sullivan | Greg | |
Sullivan | Michael | Lehman College |
Sullivan | Henry | Onyx Community Solutions |
Sullivan | Glenn | Critigen |
Sullivan | MacAllister | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Sullivan-Theisen | Erin | Private Other |
Summerville | Alden | Arup |
Sun | ChiHsuan | |
SUN | YU | City of Norwalk |
Sun | Shipeng | Hunter College |
Sun | Yibo | Individual |
Sun | Vanessa | Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College |
Sury | Jonathan | National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Earth Institute, Columbia University |
suryadevara | Ram nikhil | Clarkson |
Susanne Schmucker | signalstreng | signalstreng |
Sutton | Matthew | Town of Tonawanda |
Suvari | Jasper | Vassar College |
Swain | Matthew | Peconic Land Trust |
Swanson | Thomas | |
Swanson | Tom | DoITT |
Swarthout | Jamie | FLCC |
Swift | Lauren | NYS Dept of Ag and Markets |
Synan | Michael | hunter college |
szalus | john | akrf |
Szathmari | Jacquettas | Hunter College |
Szemkow | Paul | SUNY-ESF |
t | t | t |
Tabak | Nava | Scenic Hudson |
Tadesse | Makeda | Pratt Institute |
Tait | Brian | West Point SRP |
Takeuchi | Kiichi | Long Island University |
Takeuchi | Hiroto | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Talbot | Thomas | NYS Department of Health |
Tam | Wendy | DEP |
Tang | Dongming | Sullivan County |
Tang | Tao | SUNY – Buffalo State University |
Tangtrakul | Korin | Pratt Institute |
Tanner | Joshua | State of Oregon |
Tanski | Ariane | National Grid |
Tapia | Joseph | Hunte College |
Tareen | Karyn | Geocove |
Tarmu | Alina | Sylvana Consulting |
Tasneem | Zareen | Hunter College |
Tatara | Kathleen | Delaware Engineering, P.C. |
Tatham | Brad | GIS Services |
Taveras | Shantal | Hunter College |
Taylor | Ryan | Purchase College SUNY |
Taylor | Judith | LIU Post |
Taylor | Courtney | Chemung County/ECTC |
TAYLOR-NEWTON | LINDA | Cayuga Community College |
Tchara | Pizeme | CUNY |
Teed | James | James Teed |
Teichmann-Gen Adi | Sonja | |
Teifke | Jessica | Syracuse City School District |
Tejumola | Olubukola | ARCADIS-US |
Tekel | Karin | EcolSciences Inc. |
Telore | Namdev | RSB College, Aundh, Satara |
tempbymnVC | tempbymn | tempbymn |
Terpening | Alexander | The Finn Institute |
Terrazas | Marco | |
Terrell | David | USGS |
Terry | Maggie | FLCC |
Terwilliger | Audrey | Greene County |
Tes | Sovann | Fortuna Energy Inc. |
test | test | te |
Test | Test | TEST |
Test1 | Test | test |
Test3 | Test3 | Test |
Tester | Tester | Tester |
Tewelow | William | Federal Aviation Administration |
Tewksbury | Barbara | |
Tewksbury | Dave | Hamilton College Geosciences |
Thalhamer | Ernest | GZA GeoEnvironmental |
Tham | Angelina | Hunter College MS GeoInformatics |
Thayer | William | OCC |
Thibault | Philippe | Unknown |
Thieba | Mory | SUNY Binghamton University |
Thisse | Lynne | New York State department of transportation |
Thomann | Adam | New Light Technologies |
Thomas | Peter | EnformDotInfo |
Thomas | Alex | University of Denver |
Thomas | Gabriel | n/a |
Thomas | Selani | Hunter College |
Thompson | Jamey | Hudson Valley Community College |
Thondhlana | Simbarashe | NYS GIS Association |
Thornton | Mark | National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation |
Thorsen | Christopher | Hofstra University |
Thrastarson | Ragnar | Lehman College |
Tian | Hang | University at Buffalo |
Tiede | Jeffrey | City of Rochester |
Timander | Linda | U.S. EPA Region 2 |
Timberlake | Benjamin | Vassar College |
Timmins | Bill | GIS Services |
Tissiere | Janet | Dutchess County |
Toapha | Brittany | SUNY Fredonia |
Tobin | Amber | NYSDOL |
Tobin | Dan | Fisher Associates |
Tobon | Claudia | NYC DEP |
Toellner | Cristian | SUNY Buffalo |
Tolar | Julie | RGRTA |
Tomaszewski | Brian | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Tomita | Atsushi | City University of New York |
Tomlinson | Helen | Queens Library |
Tong | Reanna | Pratt Institute |
Tonias | Cynthia | |
Tonias | Elias | |
Tonias | Nick | |
Toombs | Bernadette | Tioga County |
Toraman | Elmon | Nyu Cusp |
Tortora | Chris | Genesee Transportation Council |
Toscano | Nicholas | Gayron de Bruin |
Tota | Ilir | Westchester County GIS |
Touchet | James | Suffolk County Water Authority |
Tourtelotte | Brandon | Hexagon Geospatial |
Towle | Michael | Mike Towle |
Towle | zachary | BMCC |
Townsend | Christianna | Inuteq LLC |
Townsend | Daniel | Hunter College |
Townsend | Jeffrey | Lehman College |
Tran | Janet | Hofstra University |
Trask | William | Fisher Associates |
Trautmann | Nancy | Cornell University |
Trawinski | Patricia | Niagara County Community College |
Trebicka | Glen | Hunter College |
Treglia | Mike | The Nature Conservancy |
Trego | Jason | Amazon Web Services (AWS) |
tremblay | devyn | SUNY Cortland |
Trenk | Neil | Rockland County Department of Planning |
Triebwasser | Anna | Dep. of City Planning |
Trimber | John | MRB Group |
Trimber | Jennifer | Chemung County Environmental Management Council |
Trinidad-Christensen | Jeremiah | Columbia University |
Tripp | Craig | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Trivedi | Shikha | Vrinda Inc. |
Trocano | Tricia | Costich Engineering, DPC |
Troidl | Marjorie | Schoharie County |
Tseurate | Dicky | Best Apartments |
Tucci | Richard | New Designs Consulting |
Tugbobo | Babatunde | New York State Department of Transportation |
Tulowiecki | Steve | SUNY Geneseo |
Turetsky | Jake | NYCDOT |
Turner | Chris | Caliper Corporation |
Tusa | Nathaniel | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Tuscanes | Jonathan | NYC New York City Dept. of Environmental Protection |
Twis | Michael | Clarkson University |
Tylova | Jana | GIScom |
Tylutki | Erin | Oneida County Department of Planning |
Tyrrell | Susan | Student~ UB |
Tytler | Emily | SUNY Fredonia |
Ulak | Kiran | USDA |
ulbrich | phillip | FEMA |
Ullberg | Michael | Student |
Umble | Rick | Ulster County Information Services |
Uranbaigal | Gongor | Urban planning and design institute |
Urias | Jason | Hunter College |
User1 | Test | ABC Company |
User10 | Test | ABC Company |
User12 | Test | ABC Company |
User13 | Test | ABC University |
User14 | Test | ABC University |
User2 | Test | ABC Company |
User3 | Test | ABC University |
User4 | Test | ABC Company |
User5 | Test | ABC Company |
User6 | Test | ABC University |
User8 | Test | ABC University |
User8 | Test | ABC Company |
User9 | Test | ABC Company |
Uwe Kitzmann | animatedload | animatedload |
Vaddoriya | Nixit | NY Institute of Technology |
Vahldieck | Kara | Self |
Vail | Kenneth | Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers, PC |
Valle | Liliana | PRATT INSTITUTE |
Vallve | Marisa | NYS Task Force on Reapportionment |
Valvo | Peter | Millersville University |
Van Bensshaw | Guy | Ithaca Fire Department |
Van Demark | Peter | Retired |
Van Hoesen | John | ACRPC |
Van Norden | Sarah | Hunter College |
Van Nostrand | Scott | NYS Assembly Member Services |
Vanamburgh KB |
Benecke | Benecke |
Vance | Mishka | Long island Rail Road |
Vanderbrook | David | Student |
Vanderklein | Kim | SESI Consulting Engineers |
Vanderstouw | Mark | Patriot Design and Consulting |
VanHouter | Jennifer | Monroe County |
Vantu | A | NYU |
Vantu | Avigail | NYU |
Vargas | Marian | Hofstra University |
Vargha | Marybeth | Otsego County IT Dept |
Varricchio | Vincent | EnSafe, Inc. |
Vary | Richard | City of Elmira |
Vasquez | Leticia | Hunter College |
Vaughan | Tom | vaughan & Associates |
Vazquez | Elena | CSA Group |
Veenstra | Gary | Neglia Engineering Associates |
Velade | Jose Antonio | Ayuntamiento de Madrid |
Velasquez | Carlos | UMass Boston |
Velez | Raychell | Lehman College |
Velez | Sarina | CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College |
Velupillai | Glenn | City College of New York |
Venkatraman | Vinay | Columbia University |
Verdadero | Leona | NYU |
VERMA | TANUJA | Urban Local Bodies |
Verweire | Kevin | HDR, Inc |
Viggiani | Alice | Pratt Institute |
Villanueva | Max | AES Northeast |
Vincent | Shaun | Col-East Intl. Ltd. |
Vinzant | Mistee | Alaska Department of Transportation |
Viola | Vanessa | New York Institute of Technology |
Vitale | Jim | Bowne Management Systems, Inc. |
Vlaiconi | Andreea | NYC DEP |
Vo | Anh Vu | New York University |
Volchansky | Pauline | Hunter College |
Volpe | Jeffrey | Bergmann Associates |
Volpe | Jeff | Niagara Data & Analytics |
Vorotyntseva | Natalia | University of Connecticut |
Voutieros | Tula | Johnson Controls Inc. |
Vreeland | Thomas | Vreeland Institute |
Wadolowski | Jonathan | Lehman College |
Wagner | Neil | Anchor QEA |
Wahlrab | Josiah | Hunter College |
Wainwright | David | Essex County Real Property |
WAITMAN | ADAM | Cumberland House |
Waldhorn | Daniel | None |
Walker | Tom | New York State DEC |
Walsemann | Pete | RETIRED |
Walsh | Matthew | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Walsh | Ryan | Greenman-Pedersen Inc. |
Walsh | Kaitlin | Buffalo Sewer Authority |
Walters | Aaron | NYS Office of General Services |
Walton | Roy | |
Walton | Jeff | Paul Smith’s College |
Walton | Glenn | New York State Parks |
Wang | Wen | |
Wang | Zhihao | University at Buffalo-State University of New York |
Wang | Chenchen | UMass |
Wang | Yi | Cornell |
Wang | Kenneth | Image Insight Inc. |
Wang | Yu | SUNY Buffalo |
Wang | Alice | SUNY University at Albany |
Ward | Raymond | Greene County |
Ward | Matthew | Hunter College |
Ward | Danielle | Monroe Community College |
Warnecke | Lisa | GeoManagement Associates, Inc. |
Warren | Mark | Town Of Goshen |
Warren | Heather | Warren Ramie Surveying |
Warren | Lee | Retired |
Warriner | R. Paul | City of Lockport |
Warsocki | Megan | SUNY Fredonia |
Washburn | George | PAR Government Systems Corp. |
Washington | George | Hudson Valley Technology and Commerce Inc. |
Wasicsko | Mandy | SUNY Geneseo |
Wasik | Anne | SUNY Fredonia |
Wasilenko | Michael | Pitney Bowes Business Insight |
Waskiewicz | Ronald | New York State Assembly |
Waters | Courtney | Southern Tier West Regional Planning and Development Board |
Waters | Ryan | GdB Geospatial |
Watson | Raoul | WAGsys LLC |
Watson | Jeffrey | NYC Department of Parks & Recreation |
Wattles | Matthew | University at Buffalo |
Wattles | Adam | NYS OPRHP |
Wear | Sam | Westchester County GIS |
Weaver | David | Applied Geographics, Inc. |
Webb | Jenna | Plumley Engineering, P.C. |
Weber | Gillian | Open Space Institute, Inc. |
Weber | Lena | |
Weber | Marguerite | Department of Veterans Affairs |
Webster | Rachel | NYU Wagner |
Wecera | Caren | Rockland County Department of Planning |
Weddle | Ethan | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Weeden | Sarah | Eagleview Technologies |
Wei | Ching-Song | |
Wei | Suhua | Graduate Center, City University of New York |
Wei | Xiaojing | Metro-North Railroad |
Weidberg | Talia | SUNY Geneseo |
Weilert | Joshua | EagleView |
Weilert | Joshua | EagleView Technologies |
Weiner | Rob | Epsilon Associates |
Weingart | Kyle | NYC DoITT |
Weiskopf | Lindsey | Barnard College |
Weiss | Martin | Dept of Community Development/Planning |
Welch | Lisa | Syracuse-Onondaga Planning Agency |
Welch | Helen | USAA |
Weller | Heather | Washington County |
Welsh | Geoffrey | SUNY Polytechnic Institute |
Welty | Richard | OpenHistoricalMap |
Wen | Menghe | University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Wen | Jiin | NYCEDC |
Wenner | Amberlyn | SUNY ESF Ranger School |
Westort | Caroline | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Wethington | Michael | Stony Brook University |
Weyer | Kelly | – |
Whalen | John | |
Wheat | Austin | HERE |
Wheeler | John | BespokeGuerrilla |
Whelan | Lihua | NYS DOT |
Whitbeck | Henry | SUNY Cobleskill |
White | Dave | Fugro EarthData |
White | Joseph | Individual |
white | kathleen | Schop, Powell & Associates |
Whitehead | Daniel | DEC Environmental Permits |
Whitehead | Richard | Hunter |
Whitehouse | Ryan | Hobart&William Smith Colleges-student |
Whittemore | Taylor | Unemployed |
Whong | Chris | CartoDB |
Whysel | Noreen | Decision Fish/CUNY City Tech |
Wider | Markese | Hunter College |
Wieber | Courtney | SUNY Purchase |
Wightman | Leah | University at Buffalo |
Wiley | Mike | GeoDecisions |
Wiley | Kevin | Wiley Research |
Wiley | Carrie | Nearmap |
Wilhelm | Roger | ETG |
Wilkie | Nicholas | Hunter College |
Wilkinson | Meg | NY Natural Heritage Program |
Willard | Steven | Ward Carpenter Engineers Inc, Land Surveyors surveyors |
Willemann | Don | GISMO, GITA, NY/NJ Chapter |
willett | bruce | SIG Patagon |
Williams | Joshua | ESRI |
Williams | James | |
Williamson | Ann | New York State Department of Transportation |
Williamson | Douglas | Hunter College |
Willis | Lucius | SUNY Binghamton |
Wills | Robert | Dutchess County |
Wilson | Carolyn | NYS AHEC |
Wilson | Matthew | EDR |
Wilson | Bryan | Chautauqua County |
Win | Nwe Ni | Advancing Life and Regenerating Motherland |
Win Tun | Zaw | The Dariu Foundation |
Winchell-Sweeney | Susan | New York State Museum |
Winkler | Jakob | The New School |
Winkowski | Gregory | University at Buffalo |
Winner | Jason | Scenic Hudson |
Winner | Angelika | The CUNY Graduate Center |
Winslow | Davis | New School |
winslow | kyle | NYC DEP |
Winston | Logan | Independent |
Winter | Ben | City of Westfield |
Winters | Robyn | Student at Hunter College |
Winters | Frank | retires NYS |
Wischman | Dennis | NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Fisheries Unit |
Wise | Harry | HSW |
wiseman | Richard | New State Dept. of Transportation |
witharana | chandi | Stony Brook University |
Withey | Douglas | w2operator training group, llc |
Withington | William | Town of Clarkstown |
Witten | Ben | End Point Corporation |
Wohlgemuth | Sharon | Town of Brookhaven |
Wolcott | Teresa | |
Wolf | Alex | Scenic Hudson, Inc. |
Wolfanger | Kathleen | NYSDOT |
Wolfel | Rachel | North Central PA Regional Planning and Development Commission |
Wolkwitz | Stephen | CUNY – Hunter College |
Wong | Deanna | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Wongchanapai | Paradorn | CUNY Graduate Center |
Woo | S. H. Lucia | Fugro |
Woo | Lucia | Fugro |
Woodward | Peter | New York Power Authority |
Wooten | Jessica | Pictometry International, LLC |
Work | Amy | Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) |
Worrall | Tim | Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. |
Wright | Jessica | J Wright Consulting |
Wright | Bruce | S’UNY Cobleskill |
Wright | Lydia | Vassar College |
Wright-Banda | Cherie | Monroe County DOH |
Wroblewski | Bill | New York Precision Equipment |
Wrona | Matthew | Erie Crime Analysis Center |
Wunsch | Caitlin | Gannett Fleming |
Wyckoff | Psalm | Otsego County Planning |
Wyllie | Candice | East Coast CAD Consulting, LLC |
Wysor | Jim | ECSMarin |
xia | zhujing | County of Rockland |
Xiong | Haoyi | UB |
Xu | Lailuyun | University of Pittsburgh |
Xu | Jie | St Johns University |
Yacavone | Dante | SUNY Cortland GIS |
Yagelski | Adam | New York State DOT |
Yakabowskas | Dana | University at Albany |
Yamada | Destinye | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Yamamoto | Kristina | Gro Intelligence |
Yao | Ling | Greene County |
Yarrow | Matthew | Community Science Institute |
Yasumiishi | Misa | Resting Rock Consulting |
Ye | Chenxi | University at Buffalo |
Ye | Xiang | University at Buffalo |
Yelemesov | Marat | student |
Yeosock | Michael | Norwalk DPW |
Yerden | Xiaoyi | University at Albany, SUNY |
YesXZ | Guests | Guests |
Yetman | Greg | CIESIN, Columbia University |
Yienger | Jim | Climate Action Associates LLC |
Yoc | Cesar | Urban Planner and GIS Specialist |
Yonkoski | Jennifer | City of Binghamton |
Yoo | Gahwan | New York University |
Yoon | Susan | New School |
York | Barbara | Putnam County |
York | Patty | Pitney Bowes |
Young | Chelsea | SUNY Fredonia |
Young | Lisa | Environmental Design & Research, Landscape Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services, D.P.C. |
Young | Peter | VT Dept. of Health |
Yousuf | Zouq | Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation |
Yu | Violet | John Jay College of Criminal Justice |
Yu | Haoliang | State University of New York at Buffalo |
Yu | Mingshi | Arup |
Yuan | Hong | Hunter College |
yunke | scott | NYSDOT |
Zacharewicz | Matt | Albany Police Dept |
Zacharias | David | BME Associates |
Zagoreos | Elefteria | NYC OEM |
Zak | Chris | Buffalo Computer Graphics |
Zanolli-Stiles | Claudia | Monroe Community College |
Zapata | Rodrigo | NYC Dept of City Planning |
Zaragoza | Rachelanne | Johns Hopkins University |
Zecharia | Reuven | Hunter College |
Zein | Nour | The New School |
Zemken | Shelby | National Grid |
Zeng | Yuan | University of Pennsylvania |
Zeppieri | Louis | |
Zhai | Dong | |
Zhang | Michelle | Student |
Zhang | Chenming | Cornell University |
Zhang | Ziwei | New York University |
Zhao | Shun Ping | Division Capital Asset Management & Maintenance |
Zhou | Jiyuan | University at Buffalo |
Zhu | Xiangyi | NYS Thruway Authority |
Zhu | Min | nyc gov |
Zhu | Chenxi | UAlbany |
Zicari | Rick | Mcc |
Ziegler | John | LotInfo LLC |
Ziegler | David | RocklandUAS |
Ziel | Crystal | NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services |
zigta | kidane | University at Buffalo |
zimmerman | carl | city of new york department of finance |
Zimmerman | Jackson | Syracuse University |
Zimmermann | Nicholas | NYSHCR |
Zink | Richard | Southern Tier West |
Zipkin | Jeff | Waypoint Technology Group |
Zitowsky | Robert | NYS Department of Transportation |
Zoccheddu | Aldo | – |
Zollweg | Carol | Guidehouse |
Zollweg | James | SUNY Brockport |
Zoltek | Michael | Pictometry International Corp. |
Zuch | Brian | Student Buffalo State College |
Zuniga-Casal | Jenny | Jenny Zuniga-casal Architecture LLC |
Zunino-Smith | Jennifer | NYSDEC |
Zynda | Kathleen |